In addition to its distinctive taste, papaya fruit has many health benefits, as it helps in weight loss, as well as being rich in vitamins and minerals.
The Federal Nutrition Center in Germany explained that papaya helps in losing weight and maintaining fitness, as it is rich in dietary fiber, which stimulates digestion, and its calories are low, as 100 grams of it contain only 35 calories.
Papaya is a treasure trove of vitamins and minerals, as it is rich in vitamin A, vitamin B, and vitamin C. It is also rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, and zinc.
In addition, the fruit contains the enzyme “papain”, which works to strengthen the immune system and stimulate the metabolism process, and has an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect.
The enzyme “Papain” also has a positive effect on the digestive system, as it helps in confronting digestive problems such as bloating and a feeling of fullness, in addition to its positive effect on people who suffer from gluten intolerance.
Papaya can be used in a wide range of juices and fruit salads, and is also used in some Indian and Asian food recipes.
Papaya is spread in a number of countries around the world, most notably India, Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia, and the Dominican Republic, while the United States of America and South Africa are among its largest importers.