As it has done with the presidential hopefuls of Morena and of PANthe Complaints and Denunciations Commission of the National Electoral Institute (INE) exhorted the aspirants of the AT to conduct themselves with impartiality and neutrality in order not to affect fairness in the 2024 contest.
Morena filed complaints with the Commission INE for the events of PAN (Let’s change Mexico! If there is another!) and the AT (Dialogues for Mexico), in which political cadres from those parties, including governors, senators and deputies, made an analysis of the country’s situation and expressed their intention to contend -at the time- for the presidential candidacy of their parties.
As you did before with the PANthe Complaints and Denunciations Commission of the INE Morena denied precautionary measures for the withdrawal of the event “Dialogues for Mexico” of ATfor alleged pre-campaign and campaign advance acts, improper use of public resources for personalized promotion purposes, improper use of advertising and culpa in vigilando.
The Commission considered the measure requested as inadmissible, given that the elements of urgency, imperative need or danger in the delay for its issuance are not updated, since the possible damages or consequences that they could cause are closely linked to the Federal Electoral Process. of 2024, which will begin in September of the year 2023, that is, there are 11 months left before its start.
Regarding the statements made by the officials at the event, the Commission of the National Electoral Institute established that said publications were disseminated in the accounts of Facebook y Twitter of ATof people from the public service emanating from that political party and militants, for which a volitional act is required to visualize the content and its location, that is, no active diffusion is noticed.
In addition, the materials are generic expressions in which the citizen’s vote for or against any political option is not requested and there is no electoral process.
Morena intended the withdrawal of the journalistic notes disseminated in the media, but the INE Commission established that they are part of the journalistic work of the aforementioned media and, therefore, their withdrawal is not justified, since they are protected by freedom of expression.
Regarding the improper use of public resources and personalized promotion, it determined that these are issues that will be resolved by the Specialized Chamber of the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Power of the Federation.
However, the Commission considered it prudent to issue a statement to the PRI, as well as to its national leader, Rafael Alejandro Moreno Cárdenas, to Senators Beatriz Elena Paredes Rangel and Claudia Ruiz Massieu Salinas; Deputy Ildefonso Guajardo Villareal; the Governor of Oaxaca, Alejandro Ismael Murat Hinojosa; Esteban Alejandro Villegas Villarreal, governor of Durango; Miguel Ángel Riquelme Solís, Governor of Coahuila, as well as José Ángel Gurría Treviño and Enrique Octavio de la Madrid Cordero, so that at all times they adjust their acts and behaviors to the limits and constitutional parameters, emphasizing the obligation in their charge to conduct themselves with impartiality and neutrality in order not to affect fairness in the contest, respecting the times established by law in terms of campaigns and pre-campaigns.
The project was approved unanimously by the councilors Adriana Favela, president of the Complaints and Denunciations Commission, and Claudia Zavala, as well as the councilor Ciro Murayama.
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