The United States and Europe may not realize that consolidating the discourse of genocide and killing of Palestinians in Gaza by invoking the idea of salvation by exterminating some for the sake of the survival of God’s chosen people, is consolidating hate speech and a significant increase in the hatred gap between Muslims and the West, which may generate varying degrees of violence. It promotes extremism and terrorism in the Islamic world, as if the United States and Europe did not comprehend what happened after the invasion of Iraq, following false allegations of the presence of weapons of mass destruction, and a bitter siege from 1990 to 2003 AD. Hence, analysis of the discourse on both sides of the war highlights an unprecedented escalation of hatred, This stems from Israel, which seems to have a latent fear and uncertainty, which has generated in the Israelis an unprecedented fear among the current generation, at a time when the speeches of Israeli politicians broadcast incitement to the West against the Palestinians, at times likening Hamas to ISIS, and thus invoking the mental image of ISIS in Iraq and Syria, which It is associated with beheadings or the captivity of women, etc., and sometimes with likening Hamas to Nazism. All of this and the other party represented by the Muslim supporters of the Palestinians immediately invoke the Crusades and the massacres that accompanied them, especially when the Crusaders entered Jerusalem, where historical sources stated that 70,000 Muslims were killed. As well as the extermination carried out by European humans of the indigenous peoples of the Americas.
Incorrect images
All of the above is done through the official media on both sides of the war and the supporters of each party, but the real arena of this propaganda war is social media. Digital media platforms provide alternative spaces for expressing opinion, and transmitting and covering events from angles not covered by traditional media. Here it is done. Amplification of hate-inciting content by algorithms on social media platforms, and this receives a great deal of participation and attention. The danger lies in sharing content whose veracity has not been verified or is misleading, and those who spread that amplify baseless allegations, and in Israel’s war against Gaza it has arrived. Misinformation has reached an unprecedented level to guide the decisions of Western countries, so that social media content increases the pace of war at all levels, but the deception also comes from sources with anonymous accounts that have been estimated on the “X” and “Tik Tok” platforms at 20% of the size of the accounts, and what reinforces The role of these accounts is that an $8 monthly subscription on the “X” platform with the blue mark leads to the dissemination of false information, reports, and images with the help of algorithms and to an increase in hatred in unprecedented ways. Here, the social media platforms amplify the power of one party at the expense of another. It has been proven that the images that It shows Israeli children in cages who were kidnapped by Hamas. It was also found that an account pretending to be the Israeli “Jerusalem Post” rumored that Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister, had been taken to the hospital. Fake clips also showed Israeli generals captured by Hamas, and it turned out to be from Azerbaijan. Another fake clip showed It showed the beheading of a child allegedly committed by Hamas, which in fact happened in Syria in 2016 AD, and the story of the beheading of 40 children was not confirmed by Western politicians, by any official account, until US President Joe Biden adopted it in his speech to condemn it. Hamas, and the Americans later retracted this accusation, and the Israeli teams’ mission was to distort the image of the Palestinians and the Palestinian resistance in the West, until they broadcast more than one hundred thousand blog posts since October 7 based on creating doubts and hatred, and the result of all of the above was the consolidation of hate speech against the Palestinians. In the West, and by extension against Arabs and Muslims.
Remove content and restrict accounts
Israel, which closely follows everything published on social media, has exerted unprecedented pressure on the TikTok platform to remove hostile content. In 2022, TikTok received 2,713 requests to remove or restrict content or accounts. The Israeli government comes second after Russia in requests to remove content on TikTok globally. Israel has submitted 252 official requests; That is, 9.2%, while the United States submitted only 13, France 27, Britain 71, and Germany 167 requests. But what is important in the current Gaza war is that Israel is focusing in an unprecedented manner on social media on improving the Israeli public’s view of Israel’s performance in the current war. This What may reveal several dimensions related to Israeli credibility for several reasons may be due to the fact that Israel’s losses are much greater than what was announced, and that the shock was deeper than we imagine, which shook the Israelis’ confidence in themselves and in the Israeli state. This is what is presented; An explanation for the Israeli ferocity in killing and destruction in Gaza, and this is what led the United States and Western Europe to worry about Israel’s situation in the Arab region, especially since Israel itself has become concerned about the continuity of Western support, in light of the increasing role of new actors in the Middle East who may perform its roles. .
The sending of aircraft carriers, battleships, forces and weapons from the United States and some European countries immediately called to the Arab mentality what happened after the Battle of Hattin, so Europe united against it until it seized the city of Akka after it was liberated by Saladin Al-Ayyubi. Hence, the United States and Europe do not realize that with their support… Israel’s declared absolute annihilation of Palestinians in Gaza arouses escalating feelings and inspires hatred that has been buried in history books from the premise of entrenching religious war, and thus religion-based violence. This has strengthened the Western media and the speeches of Western politicians in Israel, which constituted an unprecedented embodiment of hate speech, which the West will recognize. After the end of this war, this is what will push Western countries desperately in the future to try to improve their image in the Islamic world, which is a heavy task that the West has not yet realized, especially with Israeli officials repeating that the Palestinians are “animals who must be exterminated” without Western condemnation, and without the West realizing that the peoples of The two worlds: Arab and Islamic. These words and the Western silence about them are captured in a way that reinforces hatred. Benjamin Netanyahu was photographed stained with Palestinian blood, with a waterfall of Palestinian blood coming out of his hand, in Arab social media. This is a sign that the West did not understand and could not analyze. It is an expression of The desire for revenge, so that the digital media arenas appear as arenas of war and counter-war. These arenas have also begun to criticize the West on human rights issues, and compare its interaction with the Russian war against Ukraine. These contradictions strongly highlight that Palestinian blood has no value, and thus this applies to Arab blood. The Muslim, while the Ukrainian deserves to be defended.
Perpetuating hatred
The West, which is leading many campaigns to eradicate hatred while perpetuating hatred, does not realize that its provisions in the International Covenant on Civil Rights, Article 20, stipulate the legal prohibition of any call to war or to national, racial, or religious hatred that constitutes incitement. On discrimination or hostility, as well as the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination in Article (4), which prohibits the expression of ideas that express racial superiority or racial hatred, and any racist incitement and every act of violence or incitement to such acts committed against any specific race or Any group of another color or ethnic origin, as well as any assistance to racist and discriminatory acts, including their financing, is a crime punishable by law.
In the American Convention on Human Rights, Article 13 states: “Any propaganda for war and any call for national or religious hatred that constitute incitement to unlawful violence, or any other unlawful or similar act against any person or group of persons, regardless of The reason, whether caused by race, color, religion, language or national origin, are crimes punishable by law).
The International Network Against Electronic Hate also defines hate as: (representing intentional or unintentional public discriminatory or defamatory statements, or intentional incitement to hatred, violence, or segregation on the basis of a person’s real or perceived gender, political beliefs, marital status, property, birth, and age.. etc).
Does the West realize what it is doing by emphasizing its continuous hate speech and the consequences of unlimited support for Israel over the hatred it sows among its people and the peoples of the Islamic world, and the long-term consequences of this in a war whose basis is a lack of understanding of every word and action and their consequences?