With the changes of the seasons, we find that some suffer from allergies during the spring, and the chances of catching colds and depression increase during the fall. Therefore, the seventh day presents its readers with some common diseases during the fall and ways to prevent them, according to the website “@lpathlabs “.
Flu and colds:
It is known that the common cold strikes anyone at any time of the year, but the chances of infection increase during the fall and winter. A cold causes a runny or stuffy nose, general fatigue, body pain, and constant sneezing. The best way to avoid catching a cold is to follow the following:
-Keep your body hydrated.
Gargling with water and salt.
Eat honey.
Avoid drinking cold water and other cold liquids and replace them with hot liquids.
Stomach flu:
This infection is more prevalent during the fall and winter, and when the immune system weakens, a person has difficulty fighting the effects of the bacteria on it. The most common symptoms of stomach flu include vomiting, excessive thirst, green stools, fever, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and abdominal pain. There are some home remedies for this symptom, including:
Eat rice, toast and bananas.
Make sure to wash your hands, vegetables and cooking utensils before preparing food.
Get enough sleep.
-Keep your body hydrated.
There are some foods to avoid during stomach flu, including dairy products, caffeinated drinks, spicy food, acidic foods, and artificial sweeteners.
Heart attack
People who suffer from heart disease should take care of themselves during the fall, because the changing season brings with it many breathing problems, which directly increase the chances of a person developing heart problems, so you should follow these tips to avoid this matter, including:
Eat small meals at regular intervals.
Monitor your blood pressure level regularly.
Take the prescribed treatments on time.
– Avoid smoking.
-Reduce salt intake