Lucy Lawless, the iconic star of Xena: Warrior Princess, recently revealed that her beloved 1998 impersonation of Stevie Nicks on Saturday Night Live almost didn’t happen. During an appearance on Michael Rosenbaum’s Inside of You podcast, the 56-year-old actress reflected on the sketch that has since become a cult favorite among fans: “Stevie Nicks’ Fajita Roundup.”
The sketch, which aired during Lawless’s hosting stint on SNL, featured the actress hilariously spoofing Nicks as the owner of an imaginary Tex-Mex restaurant in Sedona, Arizona. Complete with flowing shawls, ethereal twirls, and a raspy rendition of “Landslide” reworked into a jingle about fajitas and nachos, the parody was equal parts absurd and unforgettable.
However, Lawless admitted that she almost turned down the idea. “I was hesitant,” she shared with Rosenbaum. “I wasn’t sure if it would land the right way or if people would even find it funny. But the SNL team was so enthusiastic about the concept, and they convinced me to give it a shot.”
Her initial reservations faded once she stepped into the role, leaning into Nicks’s signature ethereal style with gusto. “It was one of the most nerve-wracking and fun experiences I’ve ever had,” Lawless said. “I’m so glad I trusted the writers and embraced the absurdity of it all.”
The sketch quickly became a fan favorite, with viewers praising Lawless’s comedic timing and her uncanny impersonation of Nicks. Over the years, it has earned a place in SNL history as one of the show’s most memorable celebrity parodies.
Despite its enduring popularity, Lawless noted that the sketch was all in good fun. “I’ve always had the utmost respect for Stevie Nicks,” she emphasized. “She’s a musical legend, and the sketch was meant to be a playful homage.”
Lawless’s SNL appearance remains a standout moment in her career, showcasing her versatility and willingness to step outside her comfort zone. And for fans, her unforgettable turn as Stevie Nicks in “Fajita Roundup” proves that sometimes taking a risk leads to iconic results.