The annual resources that have been allocated to address the mitigation of the climate change, on average they have been 60,000 million pesos; however, “there are no mechanisms to verify that they are effectively being used to combat climate change”; because even if all the resources were used, “there will still be a lack of reaching the mitigation goal set for 2030, to Greenhouse gases (GHG) by 22 percent”.
According to the research of Tonatiuh Vázquez, coordinator of Energy and Public Finances of the CIEP, and Adrián García, coordinator of the Income and Taxes area of the Center for Economic and Budgetary Research (CIEP)propose analyzing that, given the lack of resources to address the climate emergency, there should be a tax on GHG emissions.
“This type of fiscal measure has two purposes. On the one hand, by putting a tax on emissions, there is an incentive to use cleaner energy sources, reducing emissions; and on the other hand, it generates resources to finance the necessary mitigation and adaptation measures”, comment García and Vázquez.
Recent information presented in the open parliament highlights that Mexico needs to allocate 126,000 million dollars to deal with climate change, through 30 measures in eight sectors of the economy, and thereby meet the goal of reducing GHG emissions by 22%. by 2030, as part of the Paris Agreement.
Climate change is a huge challenge that puts at risk the economy, ecosystems and way of life of the regions of Mexico and the world, “it is necessary to critically reduce CO2 emissions to prevent irreversible catastrophic events from occurring.”
Mexico occupies the 10th place of countries with the greatest economic losses due to climate change in the period 1999-2018, details the publication “A green pact for Mexico” of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.
In addition, there are estimates that reveal that climate change could have a cost of 6.0% of GDP by 2050; which makes it necessary to allocate more resources for its mitigation.
By 2023, the National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change (INECC) will focus its actions on the generation and integration of information and scientific knowledge, for which it plans to carry out 12 investigations, indicates the Federation Expenditure Budget Project.
The investigations that the INECC plans to carry out will be linked to priority issues for adaptation to climate change, mitigation of gas emissions and greenhouse effect compounds, pollution and environmental health, chemical substances and waste.
The document analyzed by the deputies, prior to budget approval, also includes the commitment to issue 100 technical opinions to institutions of the National Climate Change System (SINACC) and/or actors from the three levels of government; as well as the strengthening of 46 national and international strategic processes for the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of planning and policy, legislative, regulatory and research instruments.
According to the PEF, a budget of 169 million 960,631 pesos is projected for Research on Climate Change, Sustainability and Green Growth.
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