The parliamentary coordinator of Morena in the Chamber of Deputies, Ignacio Mier Velazco, reiterated his warning that, if a consensus for an electoral reform is not reached no later than November 23, his parliamentary group will rule, by majority, in commissions, the proposal of the Federal Executive and will be presented to the Plenary for a vote at the end of this month.
“There is no more time, the time is now, because next year the electoral effervescencethen, if on the part of the majority and the ‘Together We Make History’ coalition we do not have an agreement, no later than November 23it will be ruled by a majority in the commissions, the plenary will be presented and that everyone assumes their responsibility in relation to the electoral process, ”said the Morenista leader.
It should be noted that given the resounding rejection shown by the opposition parliamentary groups (PAN, PRI, PRD and MC) of approving the presidential initiative on electoral matters, Morena and her allies, the PT and PVEM, announced that they will present a legislative proposal secondary, which does not require any consensus with the opposition, to approve the changes proposed by the Mexican president.
He pointed out that 70 percent of the electoral reform initiatives are from Morena and the “Together We Make History” coalition, and the other is that of the Federal Executive, for which they have worked on the construction of a reform and if there is no agreement , will be presented as a plan B, similar to the one that was carried out with the electrical reform.
“So that’s the route, if we don’t do it like this, we’re going to do it like with the electric company… it’s been almost 200 days since the reform initiative was presented by the President and they want more time, no, there’s no more time, the time is now because if not next year there will be full political-electoral effervescence and it will get even more complicated,” he warned.
Regarding the renewal process of four councilors whose constitutional term is coming to an end next year, he considered that it is necessary to define a route for this issue before December, although he maintained that his party will not negotiate, nor will there be consultation or distribution of quotas in this definition.
And it is that he insisted on the need for the possible new election of directors to be presented before December and not during an extraordinary period, since, he said, “the extraordinary period will also depend on the attitude, the temperament that at that time have in the Senate of the Republic and since we are in electoral processes, we are going to do everything we can do at home”.
On the other hand, when asked about the confrontation in networks with the president of the Board of Directors, Santiago Creel Miranda, Ignacio Mier said that it is a way of communicating and that it has been discussed in the Jucopo.
“A prerogative that the Presidency of the Board of Directors has is that it projects you, that it allows you to position yourself and when you are sighing, your appetite awakens, right? That’s not bad. I’ve always said that,” he said.
“It’s good that he manifests his aspirations. How bad that he uses the position to talk about things that are false, because he points out that according to the law he was elected. Of course he was elected, but he was voted for and he did not have any votes against, because we have the democratic conviction and we decided that he should go, but so that he would guarantee the Chamber of Deputies and all the parliamentary groups represented here, not so that He and his aspirations were represented, that is why I told him with all the affection that he went too far, and the net did go too far now the president (of the Board of Directors) ”, he concluded.
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