The Morena bench is preparing changes that will be approved for the 2023 Federation Expenditure Budget (PEF), which have to do with the budget of the National Guard, the School is Ours and with the mechanism for the use of resources derived from the refunds.
According to Ignacio Mier, president of the Political Coordination Board (Jucupo) of the Chamber of Deputies, between three and four reservations will be promoted by the Morena caucus, which are expected to be approved this Friday.
Mier, who is also a parliamentary leader of Morena, did not want to detail how much the precise amount would be to reallocate, or where the resources will come from.
We have to comply with the Fifth Transitory (on the permanence of the Army in the streets until 2028), we had not done it before, it was not considered in the draft opinion, for the simple reason that the declaration of publicity was not there of the constitutional reform”, he said.
Mier Velazco indicated that the reservation to carry out the budget reallocation, related to the reform of the Fifth Constitutional Transitory, was proposed by the deputy Juan Ramiro Robledo Ruiz (Morena), president of the Commission of Constitutional Points, and “now that will be perfected. booking”.
“The same thing happens with the extension of the programmatic opening for Escuela es Nuestra for extension of hours and there is another reservation that the Labor Party presented that refers to the way in which the mechanism for the use of resources derived from the refunds ”, detailed the brunette in an interview with the media.
The PEF 2023 proposes a total net expenditure of 8.29 billion pesos, which represents an annual increase of 11.6%, in real terms.
Although the amount of the Federal Executive’s proposal is respected, the opinion – which has been generally approved so far – contemplates budget reallocations, where the loser is the National Electoral Institute to give more resources to the Welfare Pensions.
The priorities of this budget are the social programs, such as the Welfare Pensions and the government’s flagship projects, such as the Mayan Train and the Isthmus of Tehuantepec.
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