(Trends Wide) — Attackers who perpetrate acts of gun violence often engage in threatening or violent behavior long before any incident, and often suffered a major setback in their lives in the year before the attack, according to a recently published analysis by the National Assessment Center. of Threats of the US Secret Service. (NTAC, for its acronym in English).
“The analysis found that most attackers had experienced some major stressful event in the year prior to the attack—including financial, family, and health problems—and that half of the attackers were at least partially motivated by conflict, either because of a problem in the workplace, because of personal mistakes or because of domestic matters,” the report says.
Analysts with the National Center for Threat Assessment reviewed 173 mass shootings between 2016 and 2020 in which three or more people were killed or injured in public or semi-public areas, such as places of worship, businesses and schools.
In attacks using firearms, more than 75% of perpetrators used legally acquired firearms, while nearly a quarter of those attacks involved at least one illegally acquired firearm, according to the report, as either through robbery, front men or private sellers.
“It’s happening too often,” Dr. Lina Alathari, director of the National Center for Threat Assessment, told reporters.
The report says that while approximately 57% of the attackers were white and 34% were black, there is no standard demographic profile of potential attackers. However, the behavior patterns among people prone to violence are remarkably similar.
Most attackers are male and have previously aroused the concern of others, either through threats or disruptive communications, behavioral changes, or acts of violence.
“Nearly half of the attackers were found to have a history of domestic violence, misogynistic behavior, or both,” the report says.
The recent shootings in California, which left several dead in just three days, highlight the variety of types of attackers and their motives. The suspected shooters were Asian men ages 66 and 72, unusual according to the NTAC report.
“Community members should be encouraged to report behaviors that concern them for their safety or the safety of others,” says the report, which also highlights “the increased need for community resources to address mental health issues , social isolation, substance abuse and people in crisis.
The analysis found that most of the attackers had experienced some significant personal problem in the year before the attack, such as financial, family and health problems. Half of the attackers were motivated, at least in part, by some conflict, be it a problem in the workplace, perceived personal mistakes, or domestic problems.
“Hate-based or extreme views play a prominent role in motivating one-fifth of attacks,” according to the report, including against women, police officers, racial, religious and political groups.
Nearly two-thirds of the attackers had criminal records, according to the analysis, with more than a third having previously faced violent crime charges and 41% involved in at least one incident of domestic violence.
Alathari said the data in the report is crucial as communities and businesses are looking for ways to effectively stop mass acts of violence.
He also noted that NTAC training draws tens of thousands of participants, from local law enforcement to professional sports teams and leagues.
Despite clear evidence that shared behavior patterns exist and that escalations are predictable, Alathari said he often hears about the difficulties in developing effective policy.
“I think the biggest challenge is equipping communities with resources and also having programs in place that make sure the information isn’t lost,” he said.
Alathari stressed the importance of buy-in from high-level leaders, from politicians to business owners, and having the resources to respond are crucial.
“It is not just the responsibility of one person. The best practice that we advocate for, in fact, in many of our trainings, is that of multidisciplinary behavioral threat assessment,” she concluded.