The eye clinic at Tübingen University Hospital in Germany said that moving black dots in front of the eyes, also known as “black flies” or “soot rain,” sound the alarm, as they herald retinal detachment, which threatens injury. Blindly.
The clinic explained that other symptoms indicating retinal detachment include light flashes, especially in the dark, and a shrinking field of vision due to a complete loss of vision in certain areas of the visual field, which appears like a black curtain that gradually obscures vision.
Causes and risk factors
The clinic added that the causes and risk factors leading to retinal detachment are aging, trauma, and cataracts. (cataract)In addition to diabetes, what is known as diabetic retinopathy.
Since retinal detachment may cause vision loss, a doctor should be consulted as soon as symptoms are noticed, in order to undergo timely surgical treatment, for example with a laser.