Elon Musk, the owner and chief of Twitter for three weeks, announced Friday that several suspended user accounts on the platform have been reinstated, but that he has “still not made a decision on Trump.”
Musk tweeted that the comedian’s accounts Kathy Griffinthe psychologist Jordan Peterson and the site of conservative parodies Babylon Bee “have been reinstated” but that “a decision on Trump has not yet been made.”
Trump He was expelled from the platform shortly after the assault by his supporters on the Capitol, on January 6, 2021, with a view to preventing the electoral certification of his Democratic rival Joe Biden as the winner of the 2020 elections.
Musk’s announcement came moments before the attorney general of USAMerrick Garland, announced the appointment of an independent prosecutor to lead the criminal investigations into Trump, three days after the former president announced a new candidacy for the White House for 2024.
Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson was suspended from Twitter in June, before Musk acquired the social network, following a post about the transgender actor. Elliot Page who violated the site’s rules on hateful conduct.
Peterson had often made comments against the rights of people transgender and Twitter asked him to remove the post about Page.
“Twitter’s new policy is free speech,” Musk tweeted on Friday, but “negative/hateful” messages will be “maximally demonetized” so there will be “no publicity or other gain for Twitter.”
“You won’t find that tweet unless you specifically search for it, which is no different than the rest of the internet,” he added.
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