17/12/2023–|Last updated: 12/17/202310:49 AM (Mecca time)
The former US president said Donald Trump Yesterday, Saturday, he said that people would leave the United States if he was re-elected because he would take tough measures against immigration.
Trump predicted – in a speech he delivered before a rally of his supporters in the city of Durham, Hampshire – that some Americans would choose to move outside the country if he assumed the presidency again.
The American magazine Newsweek quoted Trump as saying, “You know what will happen once we win. People will rush out of the country. They will leave before we do anything because they will realize that I will work to restore and expand the travel ban (to the United States) from countries infested with terrorism.”
He continued, “And I will impose a strong ideological check on all irregular immigrants. If you hate America, if you want to eliminate Israel, and if you sympathize with jihadists, then we do not want you in our homeland. We do not want you.”
During his previous presidency, Trump imposed a travel ban from certain countries for the first time by executive decision in January 2017. The decision banned the entry of people from Libya, Iran, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen, in addition to North Korea and Venezuela.
The decision was later expanded to include Burma, Eritrea, Kyrgyzstan, Nigeria, Tanzania and Sudan, but the President joe biden On his first day in office, he signed an executive decision canceling his predecessor’s travel ban.
Newsweek reported in its report that it contacted the Trump campaign team via email to comment on what was contained in the former president’s speech, without obtaining a response.
Trump is considered the most likely candidate in his primary elections the Republican Party To choose his candidate for the presidential race in 2024.
According to the magazine, the former president continues to rally his supporters behind the “Make America Great Again” movement, which relies heavily on anti-immigration policy.
It stated in its report that Trump said “jokingly” – at a rally in the city of Mequon, Georgia, as part of his re-election campaign – that if Biden wins the presidency, he will leave the country.
He added on that occasion, “Competing against the worst president in the history of presidential elections puts pressure on me. Can you imagine if I lost, perhaps I would have to leave the country? I don’t know.”