Directed by the former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert Harsh criticism of his current counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu He described his government as “unlucky” and called for an immediate end to the current war on… Gaza“Stressing that eliminating the Islamic Resistance Movement”agitation The other war goals announced by Netanyahu are impossible to achieve.
Olmert said, in an article in Haaretz newspaper, that Israel currently has two options: either an immediate ceasefire, or the bodies of the “hostages” will be recovered later.
He explained that the goals of the war on the Gaza Strip announced by Netanyahu “were clear from the beginning that they were baseless and unachievable,” and he continued that the current prime minister “continuously declared those goals, including the complete elimination of the (Islamic Resistance Movement).”agitation“In a theatrical way, his hands were shaking, and he seemed detached from reality.”
Olmert stressed that if Netanyahu had engaged in the war for the benefit of the citizens of Israel, he would have understood from the beginning that there was no possibility of achieving his “bragged pledge” to eradicate “Hamas,” but the problem is that he is engaged in the war for his and his family's personal interests, as he put it.
Impossible goal
Olmert added that all Israeli officials – including himself – would have been happy to lead a war to eradicate Hamas if that were an achievable goal, but everyone knows that it is a goal that will not be achieved, even if its senior leaders, such as Hamas, are eliminated. Yahya Al-Sanwar AndMuhammad Al-Deif.
He explained that as long as this is the true assessment of the situation, Israel must prepare to change direction. One should not be ashamed to say difficult but necessary things “out of a sense of national responsibility,” even though what might be said will be unpopular in light of the atmosphere of “incitement, bluster, and arrogance.” “That characterizes the behavior of Netanyahu and his government.
Ehud Olmert announced that Israel is currently facing a choice between a ceasefire as part of a deal that returns detainees in the hope that most of them will be alive, or a ceasefire without an agreement and without the return of detainees, and without even achieving a clear achievement, while accepting a complete loss of what There remains international popular support for Israel.
He added that “the cessation of hostilities will be imposed on us by our closest allies led by the United States, Britain, France and Germany,” as they will no longer be able to bear the price they are paying popularly.
He said that the continuation of the fighting may achieve important local achievements for Israel, including killing more Hamas fighters and exposing more tunnels, but in return there will be Israeli deaths and prisoners without eliminating Hamas, and this is something that “we will not be able to forgive ourselves for as a people and as a society.” According to his expression.
In this case – Olmert continues – it seems that overthrowing “the empty scoundrels from the throne of prime ministership will not be sufficient compensation for our moral failure as a state,” so now is the time to make a decisive decision: “either a ceasefire with the recovery of live hostages, or a forced cessation of hostilities.” But with dead hostages.”