Sales from businesses that market online increased 80% During the Good End 2022, this was announced by Tiendanube, an electronic commerce platform.
According to Juan Martín Vignart, Country Manager of Tiendanube in Mexico, sales per day grew 215% compared to last yearwhich consolidates the Good End as one of the most anticipated dates of the year.
This is because it is a season of promotions and discounts, since 60% of the purchases made on the platform were with promotions.
“When you know that many companies are going to offer discounts, it is more complex to go visit all the stores physically to see the type of discount, while in digital you can see different types of discounts in 10 minutes. stores and their discountsVignart stressed.
In addition, the number of participating stores grew 150%, which may respond to the fact that entrepreneurs are more comfortable with managing their online store and are encouraged to take that leap of preparing their ecommerce and production to sell during the Good End.
First day, the one with the highest sales
According to the platform, the first day, which was Friday, November 18, was the one that biggest sales presented (28%) , which responds to the fact that when consumers see a promotion in a discount season, they ask themselves: what happens if the product runs out? or what happens if the promotion ceases to exist”, which is why many end up buying on the first day.
“This is a message for brands, that they have to ebe prepared from day onewith their promotions loaded, from 12 at night, to activate them, and that they do not wait for the second day because they are going to miss the day of greatest sales”.
The preferred times were at 12:00 and 17:00 hourswhile the most used device to make purchases online was the cell phone (64%) and computer (37%).
Categories with the highest sales
fashion and health and beauty They are the category that had the highest sales, according to Vignart, it is due to the return of face-to-face activities, since many have already returned to work at the offices, since last year the categories with the most sales were gardener and home, since people continued to in confinement. Meanwhile, the growth of electronics in Billing was 53 per cent.
The general average ticket was 1,483 pesos while by categories, home and garden had an average ticket of 10,033 pesos, health and beauty with one of 1,388 pesos; Fashion 1,310 pesos and erotic 1,149 pesos.
The states that had the highest turnover during El Buen Fin 2022 were Mexico CityJalisco, Nuevo León, State of Mexico and Veracruz, highlighting the latter state as the one with the highest growth in its average ticket with a 42% increase compared to the 2021 edition.
Regarding the method of payment, credit cards were the most used payment method with 44% of purchases; followed by wallet (14%), transfers (11%) and debit cards (6%). In terms of payment applications, Mercadopago was the most used (48%), followed by personalized applications (17%) and Paypal (15%).
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