More proof England’s second wave IS slowing down: Official statistics show there are now 8,400 new coronavirus cases per day down from 9,600 last week – but 116,600 people could have Covid-19 right now
The number of people getting infected with coronavirus has fallen in the last week, official data shows.
Office for National Statistics (ONS) figures released today revealed there were 8,400 new cases of the disease every day in the week ending September 24.
This marks a 12.5 per cent fall from the 9,600 daily cases estimated the week beforehand.
The ONS said described its findings as ‘limited evidence’ transmission of the virus ‘may be levelling off following steep increases during August and September’.
But, because the study is only based on a few hundred positive swabs, the ONS said it is too early to say the UK is out of the woods yet.
It comes on the heels of a King’s College London study that yesterday found Britain’s second national wave was slowing down.
Office for National Statistics (ONS) figures released today revealed there were 8,400 new cases of the disease this week, down from 9,600 last week, down 12.5 per cent