The parliamentary faction of the National Action Party (PAN) in the Senate of the Republic sent a letter to the president Andres Manuel Lopez Obradorso that within a period of 30 calendar days it presents the candidates or short lists of candidates that can cover the different vacant positions presented by the autonomous bodies such as the CREthe IFT at Cofece.
The exhortation was presented by the PAN senators to the president of the Board of Directors of the Senate of the Republic, the morenista Alejandro Armenta Mier. This senator, from the same political party as López Obrador, can now accompany the exhortation of his PAN colleagues and send it to the Executive Power or send the initiative to the freezer of the Upper House.
The agenda, at least for this Wednesday, November 9, states that the senators are summoned at 11:00 a.m. to discuss issues related to agriculture, energy, foreign trade, as well as to learn about a hundred initiatives from all parties in a sense other than telecommunications, for example.
In this way, the exhortation of the PAN senators to the morenista president López Obrador could remain in the document that was printed, in addition to the fact that their political force represents 15.75% of the Senate, against the 59.05% that they accumulate Morena and its closest allies, not yet counting the PRI, which in some political positions has accompanied the Morenoites, although that political party has joined the alliance with the PAN and the PRD. “Goes to Mexico”.
“The autonomous bodies that perform important regulatory functions are essential so that, both in energy matters and in the field of economic competition and telecommunications, there is certainty and neutrality in the treatment of the State towards all the economic actors involved and especially to those who are subject to regulation”, justified the PAN in its warrant.
“We submit for consideration the proposal with a point of agreement whereby the Senate of the Republic urges the head of the Executive Power to send to the Senate, within a period not exceeding 30 calendar days, the respective individual or triple appointments of the commissioners for fill the current vacancies in the Federal Commission for Economic Competition, the Federal Telecommunications Institute, the National Hydrocarbons Commission and the Energy Regulatory Commission,” said the PAN.
In accordance with the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States and the Federal Telecommunications and Broadcasting Law, the Senate of the Republic is the authority that discusses and approves the commissioner proposal sent by the President of the Republic.
The National Action Party reminded Morena in the Senate that both the Federal Commission of Economic Competition (Coffee), the Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT) y la National Hydrocarbons Commission (CNH) work with only four of the seven commissioners established by law, while the Energy regulatory commission (CRE) works with six of seven commissioners.
The PAN members recalled in their presentation that President López Obrador has already received proposals from people with the ideal preparation to occupy this type of government position, but the president has avoided nominating candidates and presenting them to the Senate for eventual appointment.
(These authorities) denounce what they consider to be an omission by the head of the Executive Branch that prevents these bodies from operating properly,” stressed the PAN senators.
The position that the President of the Republic has taken regarding the autonomous bodies has prevented those authorities from discussing matters that by law require a minimum number of commissioners, for example the IFT, which needs to have at least five of seven votes to resolve hot topics in telecommunications and broadcasting.
“This means that these authorities cannot make decisions and therefore have a very significant backlog of issues related to the protection of competition, the fight against monopolies and the generation of fair and competitive conditions in the economic sectors,” said the officials. PAN senators to Morena and President López Obrador.
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