5/11/2024–|Last updated: 11/5/202404:10 AM (Mecca time)
A few days ago, Islamic preacher Bilal Al-Zuhairi took the stage at an election rally in Michigan, declaring his support for former President Donald Trump, stressing that the Republican Party candidate seeks to achieve peace in the Middle East and Ukraine, away from wars. Al-Zuhairi said: “The bloodshed must stop, and I believe that God kept this man (Trump) alive for a reason, to save the lives of others.” Al-Zuhairi, who is of Yemeni origin, also indicated that his support for Trump is due to his commitment to family values and the protection of children, especially with regard to educational curricula and schools, and also to his pledges to protect borders.
Al Jazeera Net interviewed the Islamic preacher Bilal Al-Zuhairi, the imam of the Grand Mosque in Hamtramck, Michigan, to find out the reasons for the Islamic community in the state of Michigan (which has an Arab population) to nominate Donald Trump in the current presidential elections, and the criticisms directed at him.
In your opinion, why did the Islamic community in Michigan change its orientation from supporting the Democratic Party to supporting Donald Trump?
Al-Zuhairi: Because this event is considered one of the most important elections in the history of the United States, given the internal issues related to the economy and inflation, in addition to the external issues related to the wars taking place in Gaza, Lebanon, and Ukraine.
The election race is very competitive, but many Muslims, including me, decided to support Donald Trump. He is the only one among the candidates who met with Muslims and Arabs, listened to their demands, and pledged to abide by them.
What are your demands?
What we presented to President Donald Trump was a set of demands, firstly, ending the wars in the Middle East and Ukraine, especially the war in Gaza, which claimed the lives of tens of thousands of innocent people, including women and children.
Secondly, supporting family values and protecting our children from influences in the school curriculum that may affect their innocence and hinder their natural development.
Third, as part of the fabric of American society we demand representation of Muslims within its administration, reflecting diversity and values.
Fourth, take a strong stance against Islamophobia, because Muslims are one of the most unfairly represented minorities.
What is your response to the criticism you faced after your recent speech in support of Trump?
This is not a matter of concern to me on a personal level, but rather a matter of concern to Muslims in Michigan and in all states. It is natural that opinions on this position are divided between supporters and opponents, but the supporters were more than the opponents. However, we respect the opinions of those who disagree with us.
How many times have you met presidential candidate Donald Trump?
I met former President and presidential candidate Donald Trump 3 times, the last time was the decisive and most important, and it included a delegation of 20 imams from various states, not Michigan alone.
Why didn’t you contact Democratic candidate Kamala Harris?
Rival candidate Kamala Harris’ campaign did not seek to communicate with Muslims, and one activist who tried to communicate with her campaign was met with a response that said he was “not welcome.”
In the end, we are part of American society and we face two choices. One calls on us to listen to demands, and the other did not take the initiative to communicate with us. We will certainly seek what meets the interests of the Islamic community in the United States. We are developing strategies for the long term, and not just in the current elections.
On the other hand, there is a sector of Arabs and Muslims calling for the nomination of Jill Stein. What do you think of this trend?
This is their opinion and they have full appreciation, but the most realistic solution is to choose someone who fulfills the interests of Muslims and American society.
How confident are you that presidential candidate Trump will follow through on these promises?
These promises may not be fulfilled 100%, and perhaps he will succeed in achieving them. In the end, I will not make assumptions and we did not expect the worst scenario. We just have to strive to achieve our demands.
Being of Yemeni origin, and during Trump’s previous presidency, restrictions were imposed on the entry of citizens of Muslim countries into the United States, including Yemen. Will Trump’s policies change if he succeeds?
From what I understand, these decisions were related to political circumstances and various situations in the region related to armed groups, but I expect that things will be better later.