Queretaro, Qro. The entity has set the goal of creating around 32,000 formal jobs during 2023, in line with the annual average of recent years, said the Secretary of Sustainable Development (Sedesu), Marco Antonio del Prete Tercero.
The expectation is slightly lower in relation to the 33,933 jobs that were generated throughout 2022, according to the records of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS).
Regarding the state labor market, he added that one of the priorities will be to create strategies to strengthen the ranks of formal employment and, consequently, reduce informality.
The head of Sedesu assured that, with data generated by the state agency, Queretaro It is the second state in the country with the highest percentage of labor formality. These indicators reflect that 63.2% of the Economically Active Population (EAP) It is in the labor formality.
“Regarding the labor formality, we see that Querétaro occupies the second place at the national level in labor formality, it is a calculation that we obtained through the Secretariat, it calculates the number of people registered in the IMSS (as of November), between the PEA, represents that Querétaro has 63.2% of the PEA that is included in the labor formality, that is, they have a salary, social benefits, “he explained.
However, he recognized that it is a challenge to increase the formal worker basereason for which they work hand in hand with the IMSS to analyze strategies aimed at this objective.
“The great challenge is to increase this number, that all those people are within the labor formality, we have been working with organizations, with the IMSS itself, to be able to determine what are the opportunities we have to be able to include more people in the labor formality ”, he referred.
Regarding the rate of job creation, he highlighted that only between January 2015 and November 2022, the creation of formal jobs grew 50.4% in the entity, because in that period it went from 448,950 to 675,067 workers registered in the IMSS.
“In formal workers, by sector, we see that manufacturing occupies the first place with 35% of the jobs generated, followed by services for companies, commerce, and construction,” he said.
The entity closed 2022 with 662,609 jobs registered with the IMSS. The transformation industry remained the main employer in the state with 35.5% of the total jobs (235,417).
Services for companies followed, people with 19.6% (129,751); trade with 16.8% (111,539); the construction industry with 9% (59,764); social and community services with 9% (59,557).
Just as transportation and communications contribute 6% (39,552); agriculture, livestock, forestry, hunting and fishing add 3.2% (21,423); the electrical industry, collection and supply of water with 0.6% (3,770); and the extractive industries with 0.3% (1,836).
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