Many people face the problem of insomnia and waking up in the middle of the night, without justification, which affects the quality of your sleep and your mood on the second day, and also affects your various daily tasks, so you should pay attention to those reasons that lead to your waking up and your inability to sleep easily.
According to a report published in livestrong, the most important reasons for waking up from sleep are as follows:
1. Your mobile phone
The blue light inside your phone enhances your sense of alertness, as well as disrupts the evening, as staring at blue light can suppress the production of the body’s sleep hormone (also known as melatonin), which affects your sleep cycle and ability to stay asleep, so you may Late night texting or phone calls are the reason you’ll wake up again.
2. Drinking water too late in the day
Drinking water before you go to bed may lead to frequent urination and going to the bathroom, which leads to the feeling of waking up.
3. The presence of a problem in the prostate
Getting up at night could be a sign of potential prostate problems. An enlarged prostate can weaken the bladder over time, resulting in an urgent need to urinate.
4. Caffeine drinks
Drinking coffee before bed causes you to wake up, so you should avoid any type of caffeine at least 10 hours before bed, in order to get a regular sleep.
5. Cigarette smoking
Nicotine is one of the substances that enhance your alertness, and it may cause you to wake up without justification, so you should avoid smoking.
6. Avoid eating right before bed
Eating dinner late at night, especially if it is a heavy meal, affects the quality of your sleep, so you should avoid eating spicy foods at least three hours before bed, because they can cause heartburn throughout the night, and spicy foods can aggravate Symptoms of sleep apnea, while avoiding foods rich in fat and protein that are difficult to digest quickly.
The report advised the need to choose foods that are high in complex carbohydrates, such as whole wheat bread or oatmeal.