An Australian study published in the Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology confirmed that bananas play an important role in gut health. Reducing abdominal discomfort for individuals with irritable bowel syndrome, according to what was published by the website eatthis“.
The study, which was prepared by seven medical and university researchers specializing in gastroenterology and nutrition at the University of Melbourne, added that diet and the gut microbiome play a role in determining digestive diseases such as celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and Crohn’s disease, which is a chronic, non-infectious inflammation that causes inflammation of the lining of the system. digestive system (from mouth to anus); Where it affects the intestinal wall and any part of it.
Gut health starts in childhood
The researchers noted that nutritional factors early in life (infancy) largely determine health or disease risks later on. For example, eating ultra-processed foods in childhood or adolescence may increase the risk of later developing inflammatory bowel disease or colon cancer. and rectum, and is thought to be mediated by modulating the gut microbiota.
Suggested foods for gut health
Researchers have consolidated research that suggested diets high in animal fats, processed foods, and sugary drinks are associated with higher rates of colorectal cancer and disorders that cause inflammation in the intestines and other parts of the digestive system..
On the other hand, the authors point to gastrointestinal research that has shown that eating programs such as the Crohn’s disease exclusion diet can be an effective way to reduce symptoms of intestinal dysbacteriosis. Vegetables rich in fiber daily, especially potatoes, apples and bananas, among them.
Bananas are good for gut health
If you need another reason to chop a banana into cereal, juice, or oatmeal, the authors of this study explain that bananas are a prebiotic food that provides fiber and starch that fights the body to produce butyrate, also known as butyric acid, one of three major fatty acids in the gut. In studies, healthy levels of this fatty acid have been associated with reduced abdominal discomfort in individuals with irritable bowel syndrome, and in a 2016 study, butyrate was also associated with a reduced risk of colon cancer..