The head of the National Border Commission, Moaz Muhammad Tango, said that Halayeb and Shalateen were included in the Egyptian maps; By the African Union a “crime” against Sudan.
Tengu’s statements were reported by Al-Intiba Online and Al-Sudani newspaper.
The Commission expressed its protest against the decision, and considered it outside the competencies of the African Union, and stressed, in return, that the disputed areas are subordinate to Sudan with documents and numbers.
The head of the National Border Commission stressed that neither the union’s employees, the Federation’s conference, or any other international organization have the right to amend Sudan’s borders except based on an international court ruling.
Tango said: “The African Union Commissioner’s Office should hold its employees without authority accountable, in accordance with the AU statute and in accordance with the United Nations Charter with respect to its employees, and it is not for its employees to decide to amend the borders of its sovereign member states without the basis of international law.”
Tango called on the African Union to return to the borders and map of Egypt when it joined the Union in 1964, as well as its map in 1963 when it signed the Cairo Declaration, and before it the map of Egypt, in 1945 when it joined the United Nations.
And he demanded that the map of Egypt presented to the League of Nations be shown, which has not changed in terms of area since its independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1922.
Source: Al Sudani + Al Attiba Online