Exchange rate at 17.42, its best level since April 2016
The Mexican peso broke the floor of 17.50 units per dollar and closed at its best level since April 2016, ...
The Mexican peso broke the floor of 17.50 units per dollar and closed at its best level since April 2016, ...
Remittances are 4% of Mexico's GDP and in this decade they have generated more foreign currency than tourism and oil. ...
Some 4.4 billion dollars, 7.6%, of the more than 58 billion dollars that Mexicans received in remittances in 2022 are ...
During January, Mexicans who receive remittances captured 4.406 million dollars, reveals information from the Bank of Mexico.The flow of transfers ...
The consumption of Mexico is the factor that will allow Mexico to resist the economic slowdown that the United States ...
In 2021, 1,057 million dollars left Mexico for remittances, 17.6% more than a year earlier. Of that total, 46% went ...
Los sending money from abroad to Mexico have grown significantly since the Covid-19 pandemic began and have been a relief ...
Do you have a family member who sends remittances or do you know someone who receives money from abroad? Mexico ...
The remittances that compatriots send to their relatives in Mexico registered a record figure of 53.139 million dollars between January-November ...
Las remittances sent to Mexico, one of the country's main sources of foreign currency, grew in November for the thirty-first ...