In that populist waste that clouds the so-called Fourth Transformation, Andrés Manuel López Obrador likes to say that he no longer belongs. A phrase that we have heard from other Latin American characters who have the same haircut.
The leader of a movement like the one headed by López Obrador can surrender to the crowd as he did yesterday in the streets of Mexico City, but he cannot show the level of irresponsibility that we saw yesterday and endanger the head of the Mexican State.
If only this regime did things right and used all that power they have to mobilize to do good, this country would be at another level of development. If the regime’s focus were on the country and not on the person, there would be different results.
But no, the presidential speech confirms the enormous desire to polarize on the part of someone who does not assume himself as head of state but as a clique leader, a very powerful and charismatic one, without a doubt.
López Obrador guides the country, with the improvisation of yesterday’s march, meaninglessly mixing the most neoliberal policies, while they believe that they are an example of a progressive model. In the end, it is nothing more than a hybrid, highly charged with populism, which the President himself wants to define, theoretically he says, to pass it on to the world.
Among the multiple contrasts that his self-called Fourth Transformation finds, the President had an international visit that made it clear that the Lopez Obrador regime is far from a progressive model.
The president of Chile, Gabriel Boric, came to Mexico and taught López Obrador that it is possible to dialogue with the legislature. That nothing happens if he stands on the Senate platform and listens to the opposition’s claims and that it does not detract from him to agree with approaches that are not his own, such as condemning the “brutal” murder of 11 women every day in Mexico
Boric assumes that it is not possible to support totalitarian regimes that undermine democracy and destroy their own societies because they are on the left.
Without embarrassment, while hundreds of officials from the López Obrador government rushed to guarantee the buses and the thousands of people who would occupy them for yesterday’s march, the Chilean president reproached dictatorships such as Nicaragua’s from the rostrum of the Senate , the one that López Obrador does not dare to touch with the slightest criticism in the face of his evident brutality.
This former Chilean student leader, at 36, came to power with even more radical ideas than the 4T. He proposed erasing the Chilean Constitution to implement a new legal order. Only when 62% of the population rejected that idea, Boric did not get angry and ignored the results of the referendum, he accepted it and moderated.
The Chilean President’s success was to admit his failure and find a way to carry out his plans without imposing himself by force against opponents or even common sense.
Gabriel Boric’s visit to Mexico was more than opportune so that many of those who consider themselves to be on the left could have the pulse of how there are progressive movements that do not have to trample on anyone to mark a different way of governing.
The presidential speech confirms the enormous desire to polarize on the part of someone who does not assume himself as head of state but as a clique leader.
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