When appearing Facial pimplesIt can be hard to ignore them. Despite the urge to pop them, doing so can cause serious damage to your skin, which is why dermatologists recommend leaving pimples alone.
But what if you can’t resist the urge to pop them? In some cases, it may not cause any major harm, but in other cases, it may lead to serious problems that may be life-threatening.
The harms of popping facial pimples on skin health
Most of the time, popping pimples doesn’t lead to any serious problems. But it’s worth being aware of some of the downsides.
First, popping facial pimples can irritate the skin, which contributes to the appearance of more pimples and spots that may not heal easily, which harms the beauty of the skin.
When you try to remove pimples by hand, you can push dirt and bacteria deeper into the skin, causing inflammation. This can lead to redness and swelling of the face that may be worse than the pimple itself.
Second, squeezing the pores may cause pits and bleeding wounds, which in turn form crusts on the skin during healing, and may leave visible scars after healing.
If you can’t resist the urge to pop pimples, it’s best to deal with Blackheads Or white only, and avoid red or inflamed pimples, as the first type is easier to deal with because it is close to the surface of the skin.
However, extreme care must be taken to avoid infection, by making sure to trim nails and wash hands well before touching the skin.
When can popping pimples on your face be life-threatening?
Although it is a real dilemma that may make you anxious and insecure about your appearance, skin problems and signs of Dark spots andpermanent scars Popping pimples on your face that annoy you may be the least of your worries, as this bad habit can cause serious health symptoms that may even lead to death.
In some cases, squeezing a pimple can cause more serious problems. When a pimple breaks, bacteria on your hands or face can seep into deeper layers of skin, potentially leading to a skin infection known as cellulitis, a condition that requires antibiotic treatment.
In very rare cases, squeezing the blisters in the “danger triangle,” or “triangle of death,” can be potentially fatal. This triangular area, which runs from the bridge of the nose to the corners of the mouth, connects to what is known as the cavernous sinus, a group of veins that supply blood to the brain.
The veins under the skin in this area are directly connected to the brain, so if bacteria enter the blood vessels there, the infection can spread quickly and affect the brain.
This infection, in turn, may cause serious conditions, such as meningitis, a serious infection that affects the lining of the brain and spinal cord, or brain infections, stroke, and even death.
So how do you deal with pimples in the “danger triangle”?
If you’re stressed out because of one or two pesky pimples on your face, or you have a big event coming up and want to look your best, try these tips to safely get rid of pimples in the danger triangle:
1- Use warm water compresses: Soak a washcloth in hot (not boiling) water and place it on the area for 10 to 15 minutes. This helps draw the pus to the surface and can speed up the healing process.
2- Use a pimple patch: If the pimples have already broken, you can try a pimple patch sold in pharmacies and department stores, and apply it to the pimples overnight to absorb some of the pus and reduce the appearance of the pimples.
3- Consult a dermatologist: Your doctor may be able to help you identify safer but faster options, including cortisone injections, antibiotics, and topical ointments.
Finally, although these warnings may seem scary, the reassuring news is that the chances of getting a deadly infection from popping a pimple on your face are ultimately very low.
However, it never hurts to avoid popping pimples in the danger triangle to preserve the beauty of your skin, and to protect your general health from any possible side effects.