A spokesperson announced Houthi group Al-Yemenia, in a post on its account on the Telegram platform, yesterday, Wednesday, launched a batch of missiles towards military sites in the Israeli city of Eilat, while the Israeli occupation army said that it objected. Cruise missile It was launched towards the city.
The military spokesman for the Houthi group, Yahya Saree, said that the group today fired winged missiles at “targets of the Israeli entity in Umm al-Rashrash (Eilat), southern occupied Palestine.”
He added, “The Yemeni armed forces will continue to carry out their military operations until the Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people in… Gaza And the West Bank.”
For its part, the Israeli army said in a statement, “Following the report regarding the infiltration of an enemy aircraft in the area of the city of Eilat on the Red Sea in the south of the country, an Israeli Air Force fighter aircraft succeeded in intercepting a cruise missile that was launched towards Israel.”
Earlier Wednesday, sirens sounded in Eilat, on the Red Sea coast, after a suspected drone infiltration.
The missile attack comes after the Houthis announced on Monday that they had hijacked a ship owned by an Israeli businessman in the Red Sea, detained it with its international crew, and taken it to the Yemeni coast on Sunday, days after they threatened to target Israeli ships.
In a related context, the Yemeni naval forces said that they are continuing to carry out their military operations “against the ships and interests of the Israeli enemy until its aggression against Gaza stops and its crimes against the Palestinian people.”
It reiterated that it targets “ships that fly the Israeli flag, are managed by Israeli companies, or are owned by Israeli persons.” In a statement, it warned “all companies and merchants against shipping their goods and interests with Israeli ships or dealing with them.”
In recent weeks, the Houthis have launched drones and missiles towards Israel.
On the ninth of this month, the Israeli army used for the first time its “Arrow 3” anti-missile system to intercept a projectile launched “from the Red Sea region,” while the Houthis said that they had launched ballistic missiles against Israel.
On October 20, a US Navy ship in the Red Sea shot down missiles and drones launched by the Houthis towards Israel, according to the Pentagon.