I am connected to the Internet almost all day through my PC and my cell phone.
Thanks to this technology, I communicate at a very low cost with people through emails, text messages, chats, audio and videoconferences. Also, using various social networks, I talk via texts, audios or videos with hundreds or thousands of my followers.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic I had to modify the way I worked and I was able to do it thanks to the Internet. Since March of last year I have conducted my radio and TV programs through Zoom and using this or similar platforms I have given conferences and given various courses. Everything from the study that is in my house.
During the course of the day I receive information about what is happening in Mexico and the world thanks to the various applications or apps that both the print and electronic media have developed to be used on PCs, tablets and cell phones.
The Internet allows me to continue to educate myself through online tutorials, e-books, audiobooks, and endless reference materials on any topic I can think of.
The Internet has changed the way I buy products, contract services, and conduct banking transactions. More and more bills I pay online. To purchase a product or service, I first compare prices and then buy or contract online where it suits me best.
Traveling today is easier thanks to the Internet. I can plan my trip, structure an itinerary, buy plane, train, bus or cruise tickets, reserve hotel rooms and tables in restaurants. Everything from the comfort of my home. Poor travel agents …
As far as leisure, entertainment and recreational activities are concerned, thanks to the Internet I can watch movies and series, listen to music of all kinds, travel to virtually countless destinations around the world, visit museums, historical monuments, play games alone or with others. . The possibilities are limitless.
If I had to look for a job, I would also turn to some of the specialized sites out there for it.
For me the Internet is essential and without it I would not be able to function properly; it is also so for most people and public and private organizations. Technology transforms us, whether we like it or not.
And today WiFi is the main technology that allows us to access the Internet to connect with family, friends, co-workers and the rest of the world, especially through our cell phones, which are the devices we use the most for this.
WiFi not only connects us, but contributes to global economic development. A recent study estimates that the annual global economic value of WiFi will reach more than 3 trillion dollars in 2021, and will reach 5 trillion in 2025. This value will have grown 150% between 2018 and 2025.
The multiple benefits of WiFi should begin to be noticed in the short term in CDMX which, with 21,500 free public WiFi access points, is the most connected city in the world, as recognized a couple of days ago by the United Nations Program United for Development and the United Regions Organization / Global Forum of Associations of Regions.
Twitter: @ruizhealy
Facebook: Eduardo J Ruiz-Healy
Instagram: ruizhealy
Site: ruizhealytimes.com
Journalist and producer
Guest column
Opinion writer, columnist, lecturer, media trainer, 35 years of experience in the media, micro-entrepreneur.