The President of the Republic sent to the Chamber of Deputies a proposal for a General Law on Humanities, Sciences, Technologies and Innovation, as well as a reform of the Federal Law on Parastatal Entities, and the Federal Law on Planning.
The project was referred by the Board of Directors to commissions for study and eventual approval. In the explanatory statement, the President indicated that the objective of the new norm is to guarantee the human right to science.
It proposes a State policy in the field of humanities, sciences, technologies and innovation. It also intends to consolidate the National System of Science, Technology and Innovation.
It refers that science, technology and innovation will be conceived as tools for the comprehensive development of the nation and social welfare.
“As instruments at the service of humanity, not simply as optimal devices for business competitiveness and labor productivity, in the generation and conservation of knowledge, as well as its practical applications.”
It indicates that it intends to “vindicate the role of humanistic and scientific research, technological development and innovation in public life for the construction of a more just and equitable society.”
It is about putting the country’s capabilities at the service of the “people” and the national interest, “to promote the advancement of universal knowledge, strengthen national sovereignty, achieve comprehensive and sustainable development” and contribute to the well-being of the population.
It points out that, subject to budget availability, universal access to master’s or doctoral scholarships in sciences and humanities and postgraduate courses for the training of professionals “for the management of strategic or priority issues and issues of national interest” will be guaranteed. .
It plans to formulate a “national agenda” that addresses the needs and problems of Mexican society, through the participation of the community at the local, regional and national level, within the universities and research centers.
*National Humanities System
Creates a National System of Humanities, Sciences, Technologies and Innovation, in which the State, state governments, municipalities and mayors in Mexico City, will contribute to the execution of strategic and participatory planning instruments, through faculties concurrent.
It contemplates the signing of collaboration agreements and “co-financing” of public policy projects.
*Science funding
The text indicates that the mechanisms and public instruments for the promotion and support of the activities referred to in the law will be diversified, “with budgetary resources oriented to the public interest.”
It contemplates extending the policy of direct support delivery “without intermediaries” as applied in social programs, to scholarship holders, “humanists”, scientists, technologists and innovators.
He says that universal scholarships will be guaranteed to students from public universities at the master’s and doctoral levels, who carry out research in the areas of science and humanities.
*Issues of national public interest
The National Council of Science and Technology (Conacyt) will create a National Postgraduate System, to professionalize people in “issues of national public interest.”
It points out that the central thematic agendas will be: health, water, education, culture, housing, food sovereignty, toxic agents, pollution, human security, socio-ecological systems, energy and climate change, energy transition and others.
Change in Conacyt. It plans to transform Conacyt into the National Council of Humanities, Sciences, Technologies and Innovation. It will continue to be a decentralized public body of the State, not sectorized, with legal personality and its own assets, with technical and management autonomy.
He will be in charge of coordinating the National Humanities System. Its Governing Board will integrate the secretariats of Agriculture, Welfare, Infrastructure, Culture, Economy, Education, Energy, Treasury. Also Defense and Navy, Environment, Foreign Affairs and Health. The general director of the new Conacyt will be appointed by the President of the Republic.
The proposed law contemplates a National System of Public Centers, which will have participation and consultation bodies, but it does not say how to subsidize them, after the most prestigious ones have been loaded, through Alvarez Bulla, the president of Conacyt with an unhappy memory. . What is not known is whether the money for the construction of the refinery will continue to be charged to Conacyt’s assets or they will go to cover the costs of the heirs of the 4T. From the law, it is recoverable that it contains a part for the humanities, as well as for basic research, as Stiglitz demands as an unavoidable task of the State, since it is clearly what was lacking in the other law, emphasis on these considerations.
In short, a law in the same vein of the six-year term of disinterest in what is done abroad, because it considers that the problems occur in national heritage; not a global law, which will have the percentage in science and technology in figures below 0.2% of the last six-year terms. We are making progress.
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