With the statutory reform approved during its 19th Extraordinary National Assembly, the National Action Party (PAN) simplified the affiliation process with the purpose of attracting more militants, and with this “it will lead the next electoral battles of 2023 and 2024 championing the causes that hurt the people the most and their most heartfelt needs,” said the party. .
The PAN said that once its statutes and its political action program are renewed, it will start the route towards 2024 as a party with doors open to society.
One of the reforms to its basic documents aims to facilitate the affiliation process for the PAN to grow.
“Young people, women, anyone who feels an affinity for the party can join with a single click, in a single moment and quickly because the processes will be more efficient and accessible. The new technologies will be used in virtual induction workshops, this without neglecting the realities of municipalities that, due to their geographical location, do not have these tools”, indicated the party.
He mentioned that each person will be able to determine the degree of intervention in the party and will decide freely whether to take the workshops at the time of their affiliation or later.
Los Party Introduction Workshops (TIP) are a requirement to access the rights that allow you to participate in the integration and election of the National, State or Municipal leadership, as well as in the selection of candidacies for popularly elected positions.
“Taking the PAN to the streets has been a constant request, for which a statutory system will be established, in which the party will institutionalize the coexistence of its officials, emanated governments, popular representatives and militants, with the citizenry and with those who sympathize with Acción National,” he said.
Another of the modifications proposes a formula so that: “the one who wins, does not win everything, the one who loses, does not lose everything”. It consists of integrating in the decision-making spaces the representation of the projects that in internal elections did not turn out to be winners.
“The state bodies will be homologated in integration and representation to the national bodies, to give plurality and promote the meeting. The importance of National Action must be guaranteed, so the processes and obligations of the leaderships for delivery-reception will be specified and strengthened ”, he highlighted.
In their 19th Extraordinary National Assembly, held over the weekend, the PAN members endorsed the statutory changes to create attention and participation offices that promote direct and permanent contact with supporters.
The PAN Good Government Model was also approved, a set of basic guidelines with minimum parameters that National Action governments must follow in order to be “distinct and distinguishable.”
In this way, all PAN officials, of any partisan structure, popular representatives, must commit to complying with, disseminating, positioning, and sustaining the Principles of Doctrine, the platforms, the Political Action Program, and the Code of Ethics.
One of the most important modifications is that of the participation of women in the party, since although there was a majority of female presence in State Steering Committees, parity will now be statutory in the PAN and must be applied in all leaderships, organs of decision and party commissions.
“Mechanisms will be designed to guarantee non-discrimination and non-violence among the members of Acción Nacional. A Justice Commission, in charge of addressing and resolving political violence against women and a Gender Attention Commission with monitoring functions in the application of parity, advice for victims of violence, ”said the party.
Regarding the relaunch of the country project by updating the Political Action Program, the party’s vision was presented on issues of security, economy, environment, foreign policy, health, new technologies and education. This program was unanimously approved.
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