Given the approval in the Union Congress of the electoral reform (plan b) that reduces the operational capacity of the National Electoral Institute (INE), the president of this body, Lorenzo Córdova, said that the legal battle to defend the electoral system is still It does not finish.
“There are those who intend to ring the bells for democracy and for the INE. I think we should tell them to put the shovels away, because it’s not yet burial time; A hard and arduous legal battle is going to come in which those of us who are convinced that the electoral system we have built, although it is perfectible, is a conquest of all, (and) that a tyrannical majority cannot take us away ” he warned.
Córdova Vianello affirmed that the time is yet to come to defend the electoral system that has been built for decades, exhausting all available legal avenues.
“It will happen by exploiting all the legal channels that are within the reach of the citizens, the citizens, and the institutions, so that, we trust, tomorrow, by means of jurisprudence, we will save our democracy; This construction that is not one, belongs to everyone, and consequently we can continue saying tomorrow that in Mexico we continue to build civic culture and democracy, and not that we have embarked on a path of democratic regression as has unfortunately happened in other countries. “, he claimed.
He argued that “Mexico has an enormous task and historical challenge: to preserve the little of the good that we have done well in the last three decades: to build a democratic system where we are the citizens with our free vote cast in authentic elections by autonomous authorities. of power, and independent of the legitimate -without a doubt- party interests, who decide who governs us and represents us. That is a democratic conquest we are not going to lose”.
The day before, the counselors announced that in order to preserve the constitutional order they will promote before the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) all the controversies, actions of unconstitutionality and amicus curiae that are necessary.
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