The members of the joint commissions for Political-Electoral Reform, Constitutional Points, and Governance and Population of the Chamber of Deputies received this Wednesday the draft opinion of the constitutional reform in electoral matters; which almost fully maintains the initiative proposed by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.
The document must be reviewed by legislators in the next five days, to be voted on and, if applicable, approved on November 28 in commissions.
According to the constitutional reform opinion project on electoral matters, the proposal is based on seven thematic axes: financing of Political Parties, who will obtain the resources to sustain their permanent ordinary activities exclusively through contributions from their militants or private persons.
Likewise, the parties’ access to radio and television for electoral purposes is modified; unification of the administrative and jurisdictional electoral authorities and extinction of the local public organisms and the electoral tribunals of the federative entities.
As well as the conformation of the new National Institute of Elections and Consultations (INEC), —in substitution of the INE— and of the Superior Chamber of the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Power of the Federation; election through a list system by federal entity and reduction in the number of legislators. In addition to the promotion of electronic voting and the reduction of members of local Congresses, city councils and mayors’ offices.
All of the above, similar to what was proposed by President López Obrador on April 28 of this year, through his constitutional reform initiative.
Likewise, the ruling seeks to prohibit those persons who have served as holders of the presidency, of the Executive Secretariat or as electoral advisers, from holding public office, party leadership or being nominated for positions of popular election during the three years following the date of completion of his position.
While it is proposed that the election of the 7 councilors that will integrate the INEC, be through popular elections and that, for the only occasion, after said decree enters into force, the day of election of electoral councilors of the National Institute of Elections and Consultations and electoral magistracies of the Superior Chamber of the Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judiciary, will be held on the first Sunday of February 2023.
In full, it will not happen
The constitutional reform in electoral matters “will not happen” in the plenary session of San Lázaro, since it is “regressive and toxic,” said the coordinator of the PAN parliamentary group, Jorge Romero Herrera.
In this sense, the PRI also maintained that it will vote against the electoral reform that is expected to be discussed next week before the plenary, as expressed by Rubén Moreira Valdez, coordinator of the bench and deputy Alejandro Moreno Cárdenas, national leader of the tricolor.
While deputy Hamlet García Almaguer (Morena), secretary of the Political-Electoral Reform Commission, said that his party is open to receiving constructive comments on the draft opinion. While he recognized that the difference, for the approval or rejection of the eventual ruling, will be made by the PRI parliamentary group.
“The difference in the vote will be made by the PRI, because that is what happened with the issue of the National Guard. The big question is: is the PRI going to insist on the decalogue that it presented to the media but never formalized into an initiative? Because many of the aspects that he presented in his decalogue fit into the seven axes of the opinion, and we are open to discussing these points in these five days, ”he concluded.
Meanwhile, the president of the Political Coordination Board (Jucopo), Ignacio Mier Velazco, announced that the electoral reform of a constitutional nature could be discussed and voted on in plenary session next Tuesday, November 29.
slight changes
• The presidential proposal is based on seven thematic axes, however, the legislators made a series of complements.
• Persons who have served as holders of the presidency, of the Executive Secretary or as electoral advisors may not hold positions in the public powers in whose election they have participated, of partisan leadership or be nominated for positions of popular election during the following three years. to the date of completion of your order.
• The resources of the national and local political parties destined to the maintenance of their permanent ordinary activities will originate exclusively from contributions from Mexican individuals.
• The resources allocated to their electoral campaigns will come from public financing, as well as contributions from Mexican individuals.
• In obtaining private resources, both for the maintenance of their ordinary activities, and to defray campaign expenses during electoral processes, political parties will be subject to the following:
1. The source of all resources obtained will be identifiable and reported in its accounting, with rules prior to the review of the exercise;
2. They may not exceed the limits indicated in the legislation for federal and local elections; these contributions will not be subject to tax deduction;
3. No natural person may donate in a calendar year to more than one party or independent candidacy, and
4. The resources that a party obtains for the maintenance of its ordinary activities may not be applied to activities tending to obtain the vote for popularly elected positions, nor to the payment of debts contracted to cover campaign expenses.
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