Extraordinary moment three passengers are caught rammed into the boot of a car driven by a speeding P-plater
- Police officers pulled over a speeding driver in Holbrook, NSW, on December 13
- When they approached the car, they discovered three passengers in the boot
- P-plater driver was fined $1612 for speeding and having unrestrained passengers
- The unrestrained passenger were fined $349 each for not wearing seatbelts
Three passengers have been fined after they were caught crammed inside the boot of a speeding P-plater.
Police officers were patrolling the Hume Highway, at Holbrook, in south-eastern New South Wales, at 11.23pm on Sunday December 13 when they spotted a vehicle travelling 139km/ph in a 110km zone.
But when the officers approached the hatchback and its five occupants, they encountered more occupants in the car than they were expecting.
Rather than sitting in seats, three passengers in the back were laid down on an inflatable airbed that had been placed over the flattened rear seats.
Police have fined a driver and his three passengers after they were found in the boot of the car (pictured)
‘Three people were lying down, facing rearward in the back of the vehicle,’ Murray River Highway Patrol said in a statement.
‘The male driver produced a Provisional Victorian licence and offered no explanation in relation to the passengers not wearing their seatbelts.’
The driver was issued penalty notices in relation to his passengers not wearing their seatbelts and his speed, while the passengers were issued individual penalty notices for not wearing their seatbelts.
A photo posted on the Murray River Highway Patrol Facebook page shows the passengers’ limbs entwined as they tightly squeezed into the back of the hatchback.
A NSW Police spokesperson said the driver was fined $1612 in total, while the three passengers were fined $349 each.
A NSW Police fined the driver $1612 while the three passengers were fined $349 each