After leading the right-wing and center primaries with a comfortable margin over his rival, Alain Juppé, in preparation for the 2017 French presidential elections, François Fillon, the former French Prime Minister, was one of the names put forward strongly to reach the Elysee Palace, as everyone waited for the 2002 scenario, with the passage of the Le Pen family To the second round, as happened at the time, and Fillon replaced Jacques Chirac, provided that the ratios between the contenders became close in the first round, and then came the sweep of the Republican Party candidate in the second round. The French do not like the Le Pen family very much, and they use it only as a protest scarecrow, this is what politicians and media say every time, and this is what the Le Pen’s opponents exploit very easily.
This prepared scenario, according to what the various opinion polls revealed, was fully realized, but with a small change in an important detail. It was not Fillon who overthrew Marine Le Pen, the leader of the far-right, but a new candidate named “Emmanuel Macron”. As for Fillon, a few months before the elections, he was the victim of a journalistic investigation by the newspaper “Le Canard Enchaine”, which confirmed that the former French Prime Minister had been given salaries in exchange for a fake job filled by his wife, “Penelope Fillon”. (1)
Fillon, who was recently sentenced to five years in prison, insisted on staying in the presidential race, but he lost, and the Republican right lost with him, and Macron got a presidency that he was not waiting for, and today he is required to work a lot to preserve it. Fillon’s successor and his close associates are the most dangerous of them all.
pragmatic Christianity
“I carry the issues of the Christians of the East in my heart.”
(Valerie Beckers)
On December 11, the right-wing candidate “Eric Zemmour” landed in Armenia on a foreign visit bearing many internal projections, as part of his campaign for the French elections scheduled for next April. Zemmour published pictures of him in Armenia, considering it the border. The separation between the two Arab-Islamic civilizations on the one hand and the Western civilizations on the other, and the first lines of defense for Western, Christian, white Europe. A few days later, Chris did not miss the opportunity to organize the same trip and for the same reasons, and perhaps for even greater reasons, the Christian candidate did not want the Jewish convert Zemmour to monopolize the image of those interested in Christians outside the borders of France. (2) (3)
Bikris insisted on affirming her full support for Armenia, which is engaged in strong conflicts with Muslim-majority Azerbaijan, especially their battle over the Nagorno-Karabakh region. France and Armenia share the same past and present, and the same cultural and civilizational battle. During her visit to Armenia, the presidential candidate visited a number of places with historical and religious loads, such as the memorial erected to commemorate the “Armenian massacres”, one of the cemeteries where the Christian soldiers who died in the war with Azerbaijan, and some Christian places of worship. (4)
For a number of Republican Party members, this trip to Armenia came as Chris followed in the footsteps of her predecessor, François Fillon, who spoke a lot about Armenian Christians in his 2017 election campaign. It is obvious that messages of solidarity with Christian Armenians were directed more to French Catholics than to the Armenians themselves. This is because the Catholics in France care a lot about the issues of the Christians of the East, in addition to the presence of a strong Orthodox community with Armenian roots numbering 400,000 citizens, whose votes will undoubtedly have a great value in the electoral struggle with the symbols of the extreme right such as Marine Le Pen and Eric Zemmour. (5) (6)
Becriss, who comes from a traditional French family, is an ideal candidate for the French Republican Party, which despite its ferocity in imposing secularism on other religions, strongly defends Christianity in Europe as a cultural, historical and civilizational symbol of the West. The presidential candidate, who entered the world of politics through Jacques Chirac’s gate, had previously criticized European bodies for not referring to birthdays in their official documents during this important occasion for Europe and the Christian world. In it, she referred to the religious origins of Europe, adding: “Recognizing the Christian origins of Europe is not a betrayal of humanity, but a service to it. Europe without its Christian values will be an open door to all fundamentalisms, especially Islamic fundamentalism.” (7)
This criticism was directed by Chris also at the French municipalities, in which some mayors refuse to put a Christmas tree to celebrate this occasion, considering that what is happening makes the French ashamed of their identity and history. This great enthusiasm for Christianity has at times drawn widespread criticism of Becres, as Clementine Autan, her leftist rival for the Ile-de-France regional elections seat, accused her of obtaining significant financial support while chairing a committee of Christian churches in order to finance the restoration of churches at the expense of Other cultural activities. (8)
Becress team quickly confirmed that the total amount allocated to the national heritage did not exceed 70 million euros, stressing that the support of churches is support for institutions that are part of the identity of France. But this Christian affiliation and political movements motivated by religious backgrounds sometimes disappear with Bekris, who puts Christianity on the shelf in case it conflicts with its political goals, and the clear example here is the issue of “gay marriage.”
After French President Francois Hollande came to power in 2012, one of his most important electoral promises was to pass the “Marriage for All” law, which gives homosexuals the right to enter into a marriage contract no different from traditional couples. (9) This bill was named “Tobira Law” after “Christian Tobira,” the former Minister of Justice who proposed the bill, and Republican Party activists went out in the “pretend for all” demonstration, raising banners that consider families consisting of two people of the same sex a lie that is passed to the Children, and Bakris participated in this demonstration and called on the government to retract this law and cancel the official marriage of those who benefited from it, before changing its position after that, as it announced last September that if she was a parliamentarian at the time, she would have voted in favor of this law, which she rejected ten years ago. . (10) (11)
Messi and Neymar should not be sent off
“I say very simply, Plan 0 immigration is not possible, a plan that means we have to ban Messi and Neymar from playing in France, is that possible?”
(Brice presenting her show on immigration)
Before arriving to represent the French Republican Party, Valéry Becresse had to bypass her rival “Eric Ciuty”, the exact copy of Eric Zemmour, who had the same ideas and was preparing his own program, starting with the expulsion of immigrants, banning headscarves throughout the country, the restrictions on mosques and the role of mosques Worship possessed by Muslims, to the last of these procedures that became known in France. Perhaps this right-wing philosophy that Siuti holds is the main reason for Chris’s victory, as the party members wanted to give the opportunity to a figure who carries a balanced right-wing ideology, not a candidate who consumes Zemmour’s ideas and reproduces them only.
Bekris tries to present a view closer to the Sarkozy and Chirac school, a right-wing policy that aims to preserve the French identity, but without entering into problems, and therefore she announced her full plan regarding the issue of Islam and immigrants, especially since during her presidency the “Ile de France” authority had issued A document respecting the laws of the Republic that must be signed in exchange for the authority’s support for a number of associations, whether sports, cultural or social, as it was keen to prevent this funding for any association that engages in an activity it considers extremist, and this includes, for example, allocating a place for prayer. (12) (13)
The French candidate proposes the criminalization of “imposing the veil on women”, as she considers that a large number of Muslim women wear it because it was imposed on them by the authority of the father or the husband. Wearing this Islamic dress with their full desire, and sometimes in defiance of their parents, and this speech is nothing but a traditional version of the Republican right’s speech, which assumes that France’s main goal is the liberation of Arab Muslim women, in a reflection of an orientalist view of Arab and Muslim societies. (14)
With regard to immigration, Bikris suggests setting an annual number of immigrants received by France to be determined by Parliament, which can decide in one year that the number should be zero. As for asylum seekers, they must submit their applications to the various embassies or at the border posts so that it is easier to expel them if they are rejected. Their requests, in addition to the fact that they did not receive any social rights and paid taxes for 5 years, until the French state was sure that they came to it to work and not to benefit from social assistance. Bekris also wants to use the paper “the number of tourist, study and medical visas” to pressure in the event that consulates refuse to take back illegal immigrants, as the current French Interior Minister, “Gerard Darmanin” did during the crisis between his country and the countries of the Maghreb.
Finding Macron’s head
Despite the attacks that she sometimes receives from Eric Zemmour and Marine Le Pen, Becques aims to establish an image among those who follow French political events that she is the only competitor to Macron, and the only one capable of overthrowing him. The Republican candidate’s rank fluctuates between two or three behind Macron and Le Pen in the opinion polls on the presidential elections, but she is trying hard to make the superiority of Le Pen only a matter of time, in addition to being essentially superior to Zamour, so that the only goal remains Macron.
The right is using an old, new weapon against Marine Le Pen and the extreme right, and it is summarized in the fact that the ideology of the fascist movement is based on fear, not realistic solutions, and therefore a large number of its electoral promises cannot be achieved at all. Bruno Tetaiyo, who is close to Becres, has indicated that any vote for Le Pen or Zemmour only means giving the presidency on a plate to Macron, who will prepare for any right-wing candidate in the second round, as happened in the 2017 elections (15)
The Republican Party sees that the attack on him by the “Macronite” trend means one thing that he is very afraid of Becres, so he does not attack Le Pen, who is weakening day by day, nor Zamour, which the French will inevitably reject. Therefore, Criss, in turn, does not show any desire to enter the frank fascist race, and prefers to focus on Macron, and for his part, the French President knows that the percentage of votes that will be obtained by Criss will not be extracted from the extreme right, but also from his electorate that loves the Republican discourse, but without falling into a trap. Blatant racism. Despite this, ministers close to Macron on several occasions underestimated the danger of the woman who dreams of being the first president in the country’s history, considering at the same time that she may be an excellent first minister for Macron’s second term because she shares a number of ideas with him, an implicit recognition that she competes with the president The French are on their intellectual grounds and their electoral segment, and that they represent a threat to his fortunes, although that threat remains relatively far away today. (16) (17)
- Penelope Fillon case: Fillon’s complaint against “Le Canard enchaîné” dismissed
- What will Valérie Pécresse do in Armenia?
- previous source.
- previous source.
- previous source.
- previous source.
- Valérie Pécresse accused of overfunding the renovation of churches
- Did Valérie Pécresse propose to “unmarry” homosexual couples?
- previous source.
- previous source.
- Valérie Pécresse presents her constitutional bill to stop uncontrolled immigration
- The Regional Charter of the Values of the Republic and Secularism
- “Islamic dress phobia” .. Why is Europe afraid of Muslim women’s headscarves?
- For Valérie Pécresse, the Marine Le Pen obstacle
- Pécresse, Le Pen: their strategies to reach the second round
- Presidential 2022: why Valérie Pécresse scares Macronie
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