The addition of the latest government Occupational Safety and Health Administration data adds new depth, value to Vertical IQ’s industry insights.
RALEIGH, NC / ACCESSWIRE / January 7, 2025 / Industry Intelligence leader, Vertical IQ is once again setting the bar for value-added data by adding the latest Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) statistics to each of their full Industry Profiles. This new OSHA data has applications for many different sectors that utilize Vertical IQ’s Industry Intelligence such as insurance, banking, and risk management.
This OSHA data is pulled from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) database, which reports the incidence rate of injuries and illnesses in each industry by calendar year, broken out by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code. To collect this workplace injury and illness data, BLS utilizes the Injuries, Illnesses and Fatalities (IIF) program, which gathers an array of detailed information about workplace health and safety via its annual Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses (SOII) and the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI).
Vertical IQ has added this informative OSHA data to each of its full Industry Profiles in a new chapter entitled “Occupational Safety.” The new chapter is organized into sections including:
Recordable Cases, showing the industry’s rate of recordable incidents year-to-year per 100 full-time workers, and comparing it to the national average.
Cases With Days Away From Work, highlighting the industry’s year-to-year rate of lost work days for illness or injury per 100 full-time workers, and how it stacks up against the national average.
Cases With Job Restriction or Transfer, detailing the industry’s year-to-year rate of per capita cases where full-time employees have to work with restrictions or transfer to a different role as a result of illness or injury, versus the national average.
This new Industry Profile chapter and data is yet another way that Vertical IQ is setting themselves apart from their competitors. “We are constantly listening to feedback from our customers and looking for ways to increase the value of the Industry Intelligence we offer them,” said Courtney Farfour. “We also know that third-party data from sources like the Bureau of Labor Statistics is the gold standard for accuracy and reliability. By adding OSHA data, we are giving our users another insightful data point to bolster their understanding and analysis of an industry.”