Cto minimize abortion in order to abolish the practice is a decoy: a woman who does not want a pregnancy will always find a way to put an end to it. All means. Still. Whatever the risks. This is the reality that we caregivers encounter wherever we work.
Criminalizing abortion does not end abortions, but makes them more dangerous for women, for their safety and for their health. This is our starting point and our main concern. Each year, 121 million women become pregnant without having made the choice. 60% of them put an end to it and 45% of these abortions are not medicalized.
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that at least 39,000 women die each year from clandestine abortions, not counting the seven million others who are hospitalized due to complications. We caregivers cannot remain passive.
Acting outside the law when the latter no longer protects
Our mission is to care for all people, regardless of their personal choices. Abortion is care, basic health care, vital care in many situations. We take the measure of our responsibility. It obliges us to act outside the law when it no longer protects, excludes and goes against internationally recognized health standards.
We will continue to support women who wish to end a pregnancy, we will continue to fight against those who refuse to treat women wherever their rights and their health are threatened. More than 40% of women in the world live in a country that puts their lives in danger by prohibiting voluntary termination of pregnancy (abortion).
The United States Supreme Court’s overturning of the Roe decision vs Wade on Friday, June 24, now threatens the rights and health of 40 million American women, while other countries – such as Colombia, Benin or the Democratic Republic of Congo – have seen major advances in recent years on the right to abortion. Beyond being eminently sexist and retrograde, this decision is irresponsible.
Create and support networks of solidarity
This decision could cause a terrible shock wave in the world. They want to make women criminals, they will make us caregivers criminals with them. We will continue to meet their needs and requests if they turn to us.
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