11 years after the announcement National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad On April 6, 2012, independence and the establishment of a state in northern Mali and the seizure of a number of cities and provinces. The new governor appointed by the Malian government, General Al-Hajj Ag Gamou, arrived in the capital of the Kidal region on December 14 of this year.
Gamo is considered the first governor appointed by the government since 2012 and betting on him to restore security and stability. He has accumulated great experience in conflict management, and has knowledge of tribes, notables, and influential figures, but he will face challenges represented by the absence of stability factors, the dominance of the logic of races and tribes, and the spread of armed movements.
On December 10, Mali sent the Joint Tactical Group battalion of the armed forces to Kidal city In order to restore security, maintain calm, and protect citizens and their kingdoms.
Last month, the Kidal region, located in the northeast of the country, witnessed fierce battles coinciding with the final exit of the United Nations peacekeeping mission (MINUSMA).
Reclaim the city
After weeks of bloody battles and the exchange of statements between the Malian forces and the Azawad Movements, the Malian President announced Colonel Asimi Goita On November 14, the army recaptured the city of Kidal, which had been controlled by the rebels since 2012.
According to the statements of the strategic framework of the Azawad Movements, the Malian army used forces in its battle Wagner The Russian army played a prominent role in resolving the battle, but the Malian president, in his speech on the occasion of taking control of the regional capital, implicitly denied this, and said that it was the courage of the armed forces and their strikes that enabled the recovery of the city.
The city of Kidal is of great importance due to its strategic location, as it is located in the northeast of the Republic of Mali, and is bordered to the west by the Timbuktu region, to the south by the Kao region, to the east by Niger, and to the north by Algeria. The Kidal region generally extends over an area of 151 thousand square kilometers of desert land.
The journalist specializing in African affairs and the director of Radio Sahara International, Mohamed Sayed Ahmed, told Al Jazeera Net that the city of Kidal is an extremely important region, as it constitutes a crossing point for all kinds of contraband, and it is a gateway for clandestine migration towards the countries of the Maghreb, and from there to Europe.
The smugglers used it as an unloading station for Cuban cocaine, to be distributed through several land stations until it entered the European market.
Sayed Ahmed adds that the northern Mali region has gained its fame due to its danger, as it is classified as a place for transcontinental crime. Therefore, the current military government seeks to control it in order to win the bet in its war against “terrorism” and “rebellion” movements.
Appointment of a governor
Immediately after the Malian army entered the city and raised the banner of victory there, Colonel Goita issued a decree appointing General Al-Hajj Ag Gamou as governor of the Kidal region.
What is interesting is that Gamo comes from Tuareg From the Imghad tribe, which is widespread in the northern regions of Mali, and was previously part of the local conflict.
General Gamo is considered one of the most prominent Tuareg soldiers in the Malian army, and he has extensive experience in the fields of war and combat, and fighting armed groups and rebel movements at the desert and coastal levels.
He held the position of Inspector General of the Armies in Mali, before being dismissed in 2021 to be appointed Governor of Kidal after it was recaptured last November 20.
The researcher believes that the appointment of Gamo in Kidal comes as an acknowledgment by the Malian government of his important role in maintaining peace on the one hand, and a reassurance to the population on the other hand, that the person in charge of their affairs is one of those who were able to lead the Imghad tribe and succeeded in doing so.
The future of the region
Speaking to Al Jazeera Net, the director of Radio Sahara International said that General Gamo’s chances of succeeding in his mission depend on the extent of integration and cooperation between government forces, the local community and regional parties.
The spokesman added that the Malian government must seek reconciliation and national reconciliation between all parties in the region in order to ensure long-term stability.
In order for societies to escape from wars and their tragedies, economic opportunities must be created, and work must be done to revive education in coordination between the central government and international organizations.
Algiers Agreement
With the government taking control of the Azawad region, the Algiers agreement concluded on March 1, 2015 to end the war will have ended.
The agreement stipulated the integration of the Azawad armed movements into the army, the government continuing to support local groups, and allocating items of the budget to them.
With the departure of peacekeeping forces and French forces from northern Mali, the armed movements increased their attacks on the northern cities and expanded their scope of movement, which prompted the military council, supported by Wagner’s forces, to launch strong strikes until the army was able to enter the city.
Colonel Goeta pledged to continue marching until controlling all of the national territory, which means continuing battles in the future with the Azawadian movements.