The Mexican Petroleum Institute (IMP), warned about the possibilities of the occurrence flooding at the Dos Bocas refineryTabasco, both in an analysis carried out in 2008, and in the Environmental Impact Statement (MIA) of these oil facilities presented in 2019.
In the document called “Environmental and socioeconomic pre-feasibility analysis of different sites for the location of the process capacity expansion project of the National Refining System (SNR)”, the IMP concluded that “the municipality of Paraíso was the one that presented the greatest risk related to the installation of a new refinery, so the choice of this site is not recommended. This is due to the fact that in environmental, social or infrastructure matters, the greatest number of limitations was found, compared to the rest of the study sites.”
The document underlines that “another important risk factor is derived from the particular condition of the state of Tabasco and its low level above the sea, which puts Paraíso at risk from the potential increase in sea level caused by climate change.”
Meanwhile, the Environment impact manifestation states that “the location where it is proposed to carry out the Dos Bocas Refineryis located in the coastal plain of Tabasco, in the municipality of Paraíso, so it is important to consider that the hydrological behavior of the area has a potential impact on the safety of the facilities of the plant. Refinery Two mouthsand of the population, in relation to the risks due to flooding”.
It stands out that the hydrology of this area is complex and it is located in a low-lying area prone to flooding.
It has the influence of the Seco river, the Mecoacán lagoon system, the Tupilco lagoon system and the sea”.
The document recommended building the platform for the construction of the Dos Bocas Refinery with a rudeness of three meters above mean sea level.
On the other hand, an analysis carried out by the consultant on energy issues, Ramsés Pech, highlights that in Tabasco the period of heavy rains is from September to February, however, in recent years the volume of water brought by the rains has increased. and it is a consequence of climate change that is experienced on a global scale.
Likewise, it underlines that the area where the municipality of Paraíso is located has natural regulating vessels that help contain the water of the rivers that flow down from the Chiapas area, seeking outlets to the sea, in the Gulf of Mexico.
The problem is that the area of Two Mouthswhere the refinery was built, is a low-lying area, where the Samaria River arrives, in the vicinity of Laguna Meoacán, which is also a natural regulating vessel for currents.
Because the facilities Pemex They are in an area of regulating vessels, when the water that comes through the rivers seeks an outlet to the sea, but collides with the seawater that enters through the same cause of the rivers, overflows occur.
He points out that part of the natural regulating vessels were eliminated when building the refinery. Furthermore, during heavy rains, the situation is complicated because now there are large areas covered by cement that prevent natural release. That’s why the refinery floods.
The analyst called attention to the fact that the rainy factor could complicate the operation of the refinery, particularly between October and January.
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