Many young people like to follow the latest fashion, especially when they are at the beginning of their university studies. They rush to buy new clothes, which are somewhat strange and contain many details, which may cause them to appear inappropriately on the campus because they may not be aware of the appropriate youth clothes for the university, We find that they wear clothes that are suitable for parties or for the beaches, and not for a place for learning. Therefore, the seventh day, with fashion expert Mustafa Al-Shafei, reviews the list of prohibitions in clothes for young people inside the university as follows.
First: the cut pants
The fashion expert confirmed that the youth’s cropped pants are absolutely not suitable for wearing inside the university campus, although they are the latest trend of the dominant jeans fashion for men.
cut pants
Second: the shorts
The fashion expert forbade wearing shorts of any length, explaining that shorts can only be taken out on the beaches or on a picnic with friends, not the university.
Third: the classic suit
Some young people may like to appear luxurious, but they may expose themselves to exaggeration when wearing a full classic suit, and this matter, as explained by the fashion expert, is not commensurate with their movements inside the university and its buildings. Attending student lectures.
classic suit
Fourth: T-shirts with crude phrases
Sometimes young people wear youth t-shirts that bear some sentences or phrases in a foreign language and may also contain immoral symbols. Every young man should make sure to know what was written on his t-shirt so that he is not subject to contempt or mockery and does not bother anyone with his clothes.
Fifthly, the accessories
Young people also like accessories to wear but not on the campus, it is not desirable to appear in several chains or bracelets, and it is also not very classy and respectful to the campus for the young man to wear an anklet of any shape.
Appropriate clothing for young people inside the university:
The fashion expert also stressed the need to take care of the appearance, whether for the young man or the girl inside the university, to be simple, unpretentious and not attracting attention. .
College clothes