The bedroom is one of the most important rooms in the house, where it is a place to feel comfortable and calm after feeling tired and exhausted during the day, so it must be taken care of and the design of its decorations, so we review in this report, paint colors that it is preferable to avoid to feel relaxed and calm, according to the website.bobvila“.
Paint colors not suitable for the bedroom
Red color
The red color raises the level of energy inside the room, and raises feelings of excitement, passion or anger, in people, and therefore feels insomnia, so it is preferable to avoid painting the room in this color, and in the case of sticking to red, it is preferable to choose a soft and calm red.
Red color
The color orange
Orange helps to feel lively and energetic, so it is one of the ideal paint colors for playrooms, so it is not suitable for bedrooms, and if you stick to it, you can choose a softer degree of it, the peach color, to paint the room.
The color orange
the yellow color
The yellow color helps to feel alert, and therefore causes a feeling of insomnia, which is why it is preferable to replace it with dark yellow shades, or another color to paint the bedroom.
the yellow color
dark brown color
The dark brown color is one of the modern colors for the interiors of the house, but it is not preferred to use it in the bedroom, because it stimulates awakening, and if you want to paint the room in brown, it is preferable to use a very light brown color.
dark brown
lemon green color
The green color helps to feel calm, but the lemon green color stimulates a feeling of vitality and activity, so it is recommended to use it in the living rooms or the kitchen.
lemon green color
White color
Many people prefer to paint their bedrooms in white, as the color reflects the light and makes the space airy, however, a room painted only in white looks sterile and cold, so it is preferable to include beige or brown tones with white, to help feel relaxed and calm.
White color
dark gray color
Gray helps to feel calm, but dark gray usually looks cold and works to make you feel insomnia, so avoid it when painting the bedroom.