All 19 Fishing Locations in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
Fish Type
How to Find
Arctic Char |
Located in the seas of the Rygjafylke and Hordafylke regions.
Hake |
Located in the seas of the Rygjafylke and Hordafylke regions.
Mackerel |
Located in the seas of the Rygjafylke and Hordafylke regions.
Redfish |
Located in the seas of the Rygjafylke and Hordafylke regions.
Bollock |
Located in the rivers of Cent, Essex, and Suthsexe, Hamtunscire.
Bream |
Located off the coasts of Cent, Essex, Suthsexe, Hamtunscire.
Brown Trout |
Located in the rivers of Ledecestrescire, Sciropescire, Lincolnscire, Eurvicscire, Glowecestrescire, Nottinghamshire.
Bullhead |
Located in the rivers of Ledecestrescire, Grantebridgescire, East Anglia, Essexe, Oxenefordscire, Sciropescire, Lincolnshire, Glowecestrescire, Eurvicscire, and Nottinghamshire.
Burbot |
Located in the rivers of Oxenefordscire, Cent, Sciropescire, Glowecestrescire, Suthsexe, and Hamtunscire.
Cod |
Located off the coasts of East Anglia, Cent, and Essexe.
Eel |
Located in the rivers of Ledecestrescire, Grantebridgescire, East Anglia, Oxenefordscire, and Sciropescire.
Flatfish |
Located off the coasts of Cent, Essex, Suthsexe,and Hamtunscire.
Grey Trout |
Located in the rivers of Cent, Suthsexe, Essexe, and Hamtunscire.
Haddock |
Located off the coasts of East Anglia, Eurvicscire, and Lincolnscire.
Halibut |
Located off the coasts of Grantebridge, Euvicsire, East Anglia, and Lincolnscire.
Perch |
Located in the rivers of Ledecestrescire, Grantebridgescire, East Anglia, Lincolnscire, Oxenefordscire, Eurvicscire, Sciropescire, and Snottinghamshire.
Salmon |
Located in the rivers of Lincolnscire, Euvicscire, and Snotinghamscire.
Shad |
Located off the coasts of East Anglia, Lincolnscire, and Eurvicsire.
Sturgeon |
Located off the coast and in the rivers of Cent, Suthsexe, and Hamtunscire.