The former chef of Portuguese star Cristiano Ronaldo revealed the secrets of the player’s diet, who recently returned to Manchester United after 12 years of absence in Real Madrid and Juventus..
Giorgio Baron, the famous chef, supervised the diet of Don Cristiano Ronaldo during his time in Italy, while he was playing for Juventus..
And Baron, Ronaldo’s chef, explained in an interview with the British newspaper, “Mirror”, that the secret in Ronaldo’s diet does not lie in expensive foods, but rather in being healthy..
Ronaldo’s chef added: “I would bring him organic foods, fish, chicken, veal, eggs, avocado, coconut oil and brown rice.”“.
Barron explained that Ronaldo preferred a high-protein diet, while reducing sugars, fats and carbohydrates to a minimum..
Giorgio Barone pointed out that Ronaldo loved seafood, such as prawns and octopus, in addition to whole grains and salads..
Baron explained that he used coconut oil in Ronaldo’s meals, because it helps burn calories.
The Italian chef explained that Ronaldo’s diet was combined with hard training, and that he was keen to eat early in the evening..