Strange pictures of a giant watermelon spread on social media platforms, and it was found that the huge watermelon belongs to a Chinese farmer named Zhang Fusheng from the western village of Chen Liu in Henan Province, China. The size of the watermelon is 90 kilograms and a length of 1.45 meters. fantasy.
The Chinese People’s Daily published pictures of the huge watermelon and the farm in which it is grown, and Chinese farmer Zhang Fusheng said that this year’s production reached 10,000 Jin (equivalent to half a kilogram) per piece.
giant watermelon
giant watermelon
He added that by the end of September, the production capacity of each watermelon will reach 16,000 genes. According to the current door-to-door purchase price of 0.2 yuan per jin, the yield of a single piece will reach 3,000 yuan.”
The farmer in front of the watermelon
giant watermelon
In another Chinese province, a farm in the Baidu District of Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China, recently produced a giant pumpkin (honey gourd) weighing up to a quintal per pumpkin, where one fruit is like 10 fruits of the natural fruit in a phenomenon that can only be seen in movies. According to the Chinese newspaper, “The People”.
aspect of agriculture
The farm official said that the growth rate of this giant pumpkin is amazing, as it can grow at a rate of more than ten kilograms every day, and it can be harvested in about 4 months, and the average weight of one mature pumpkin is more than 100 kilograms, and only four or five people can lifted.