A Russian circus bear attacked its pregnant trainer during the show, terrifying the children and their parents, and a report published on the British newspaper “Daily Mail” indicated that the reason for the bear’s attack on his trainer was his jealousy of her fetus.
The brown bear rushed towards the trainer during the show, which resulted in only cuts and bruises, and she said that her fetus was not harmed, and about the reason for the bear attacking her, the trainer said: Perhaps it was a little jealous, and I am pregnant, and I have two scrapes and a slight bruise on my leg, and of course I will deal with this The accident with my more experienced colleagues.”
during the show
She spoke about the bear’s treatment of her after the incident, saying, “At the moment, the bear behaves with me in the same way as usual, with affection and tenderness as if nothing had happened.”
As soon as the brown bear started attacking the trainer, who was wearing a light blue dress, two men rushed to free her from his grip, however, one audience member said that the male bear did not back down despite being “whip”.
during the show
The bear trainer, who was covered in blood, was taken to hospital after the horrific accident in Oryol, 225 miles south of Moscow.
Although the trainer and the bear “embraced” after the attack, people from the city said the bear was agitated while standing in the cage before the show.
Photo taken during the show
The bear was banned from the show, which is considered one of the circus shows, and Irina Novozilova, head of the Russian animal rights group Vita, said: “Circuses containing live animals should be banned “it is always harsh on them.”
“Circus conditions will not be humane for one simple reason: training goes hand in hand with cruelty, so circuses with animals should be banned,” she said.
The Russian Investigative Committee has opened an investigation into the attack, and the spokesman said: “The investigation is carrying out a set of measures to find out all the circumstances of the accident, and to conduct interviews with circus employees and witnesses.”