International actress Anya Taylor-Joy knows that she is usually a fashion icon, which she showed in her latest looks on the red carpet during the Venice Film Festival, this weekend, according to the website. justjared The 25-year-old actress looked very elegant in a pink dress and hat, a look somewhat similar to the fashion of the sixties, and that was while attending the premiere of the movie Last Night in Soho In Venice, Italy, Anya wore a Dior Haute Couture dress, a Dior hat, Dior shoes, and jewelry from Tiffany & Co.
The event took place during the 2021 Venice Film Festival and was joined by co-stars Matt Smith and Michael Ajao, as well as writer and director Edgar Wright and co-writer Kristi Wilson-Kearns, on the carpet.
Earlier that same day, all five stars attended a photo call to promote the film, and Edgar also wrote an open letter to Venice fans, urging them to keep the films’ secrets to themselves and not spoil them for others. Last Night in Soho In cinemas on October 29.