Did somebody say… MenuLog? Baffled Brits discover Just Eat’s known by a different name in Australia – but the logo, catchy jingle and Snoop Dogg TV advert are identical
- Britons were shocked after learning that Just Eat is called MenuLog in Australia
- Catchy jingle in the popular advert instead asks ‘did somebody say MenuLog?’
- British foodies shared their surprise and insisted that ‘nobody will say ‘MenuLog’
- One person even said the Australian name for Just Eat had ‘upset them greatly’
Britons have been left shocked after discovering that the Australian version of Just Eat is called MenuLog – but their famous catchy jingle and star-studded advert remains the same.
The memorable UK Just Eat advert features Snoop Dogg rapping about takeaways, including fried rice and chicken wings, before spelling out Just Eat a letter at a time at the end.
But after the Australian advert was shared on Twitter, British foodies were left surprised after seeing the highly-acclaimed artist rap about a song with the almost identical lyrics with one key difference.
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Spot the difference! Britons have been left shocked after discovering that the Australian version of Just Eat is called MenuLog – but their famous catchy jingle and star-studded advert remains the same. Left the British logo, right the Australian one
While in the advert on British TV, Snoop Dogg spells out ‘Just Eat’, in the Australian version, the rapper instead spells out MenuLog one letter at a time, causing Brits to argue that the Australian version of the brand should change its name to Just Eat as well.
Hoards of shocked people took to Twitter to insist that ‘nobody’ will ever say ‘MenuLog’ as they insisted that the British Just Eat jingle is much catchier.
Other dedicated fans of the delivery service were surprised to learn that the exact same advert was used for both Just Eat and MenuLog, with Snoop Dogg even starring in both.
One person posted: ‘Don’t really think anyone would say just eat, absolutely certain no-one has ever said MenuLog’.
Another said: ‘”Did somebody say MenuLog” that is sooo strange’
Spot the difference: The adverts are almost identical with one key difference – the MenuLog and Just Eat logos are swapped
The Just Eat advert features Snoop Dogg rapping before spelling out Just Eat a letter at a time at the end, while the Australian version (above) sees him instead spelling Menulog
The pictured looks incredible similar, but Snoop Dogg instead poses instead of a ‘Just Eat’ logo instead of MenuLog
Hoards of shocked people took to Twitter to insist that ‘nobody’ will ever say ‘Menulog’ as they insisted that the British Just Eat jingle is much catchier
While a third penned: ‘Absolutely no one said MENULOG.’
And a fourth fumed: ‘Australia needs to grow up and realise that “Menulog” is actually Just Eat. It’s actually sickening.’
A fifth wrote: Wait hold up! Just Eat in Australia is called MenuLog?!’
Subtle: In the Australian advert (left), Snoop Dogg rides a MenuLog bike, but in the UK one it reads ‘JustEat’
Another asked: ‘did you know that Just Eat is called Menulog in Australia and the Snoop Dogg advert is exactly the same but with the other name spelled out and sang? Or am I the last to know this?’
One person even said that the Australian name for Just Eat has ‘upset’ them ‘greatly’ while another outraged foodie said it made them feel ‘sick’.
Just Eat bought MenuLog for a staggering £445million back in 2015, marking its expansion into both Australia and New Zealand.