How to get the money you need for the lifestyle you want: Entrepreneur and multi-millionaire Rob Moore shares his tips
Rob Moore started out with nothing, then got into a lot of debt – and now 11 years on owns and manages 720 properties and employs over 200 staff.
So what’s the trick?
On this episode of the Big Money Questions, Rob explains how he did it and his tips for getting the income that you need for the lifestyle that you want.
He shares his own experiences, but also the guidance that he has gleaned in his study of successful entrepreneurs over the years.
Rob reveals the mistakes that he has made that others could learn from, and what he believes successful business people have in common.
And the best news? It doesn’t just revolve around getting up at five in the morning and working harder.
Rob is the author of several books including most recently Money: Know More, Make More, Give More.
He is also a public speaker, entrepreneur, property investor and property educator.