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Welcome to the How to Get All Mission Medals page of the official IGN Wiki Guide and Walkthrough for Star Wars Squadrons. Here, we’ll break down everything you need to know about medals in Star Wars Squadrons, including what they are and how to obtain them.
Medals do not earn anything in-game — they are simply meta-objectives for pilots wishing to test their skills to complete. There are achievements and trophies related to medals but you will not earn in-game currency for obtaining medals nor can you actually do anything with medals in game.
Please click or tap the links below to jump to different sections:
- Mission Complete: Complete Mission 1.
- Efficiency Medal: Completed Mission 1 in 16 minutes or less.
- Enduring Service Medal: Complete Mission 1 without dying.
- Defense Breaker: Destroy all TIE fighters before taking out the Jammers.
- Loyal Recruit: Destroy Imperial Jammers before the Cruiser to call New Republic reinforcements.
- Mission Complete: Complete Mission 2.
- Efficiency Medal: Complete Mission 2 in 13 minutes or less.
- Enduring Service Medal: Complete Mission 2 without dying.
- Trusty Wingmate: Save Frisk from a deadly tail.
- Intelligence Operative: Discover the Victorum’s breach point on the first scan.
- Mission Complete: Complete Mission 3.
- Efficiency Medal: Complete Mission 3 in 15 minutes or less.
- Enduring Service Medal: Complete Mission 3 without dying.
- Not Even Close: The Victorum escaped with at least 30% hull integrity.
- Raider Wrecker: Destroyed all Imperial Raiders during the Victorum’s escape.
- Mission Complete: Complete Mission 4.
- Efficiency Medal: Complete Mission 4 in 13 minutes or less.
- Enduring Service Medal: Complete Mission 4 without dying.
- Collateral Damage: Destroyed New Republic GR-75s before any escape.
- Thin the Herd: Destroyed all remaining fighters before the Gladius’ arrival.
- Mission Complete: Complete Mission 5.
- Efficiency Medal: Completed Mission 5 in 14 minutes or less.
- Enduring Service Medal: Complete Mission 5 without dying.
- Marksman:Prevented any missile from damaging the GR-75s.
- Ionizer: Disabled all GR-75 transports.
- Mission Complete: Complete Mission 6.
- Efficiency Medal: Completed Mission 6 in 11 minutes or less.
- Enduring Service Medal: Complete Mission 6 without dying.
- Corvetter Protector: Save the Corvette.
- Reinforcements Denied: Destroy the communication dishes.
- Mission Complete: Complete Mission 7.
- Efficiency Medal: Complete Mission 7 in 13 minutes or less.
- Enduring Service Medal: Complete Mission 7 without dying.
- Abyssal Protector: Shot down three missiles fired by the Overseer.
- Fully Escorted: Protected all GR-75s transports.
- Mission Complete: Complete Mission 8.
- Efficiency Medal: Complete Mission 8 in 17 minutes or less.
- Enduring Service Medal: Complete Mission 8 without dying.
- Toothless: Destroyed all of the Nebulon-B Frigate’s turrets first.
- Depot Defender: All three Control towers survived the attack.
- Mission Complete: Complete Mission 9.
- Efficiency Medal: Complete Mission 9 13 in minutes or less.
- Enduring Service Medal: Complete Mission 9 without dying.
- No Mercy: Destroy the Medical Frigate.
- No Cargo: Destroy all Cargo Ships.
- Mission Complete: Complete Mission 10.
- Efficiency Medal: Complete Mission 10 in minutes or less.
- Enduring Service Medal: Complete Mission 10 without dying.