Joe’s reviewed I Am Dead, Annapurna’s new lightly puzzle-filled island game about slicing up objects. It sounds very odd, but very nice. It’s that time of the year again where Cardy is knee-deep in FIFA so expect some football related chat. Also, Matt’s been getting stuck into some new RPGs with Baldur’s Gate 3 and Genshin Impact, both of which he’s enjoying quite a bit.
There’s also plenty of time to talk all things sausages, bread and ham.
Remember, if you want to get in touch with the podcast, please do:
IGN UK Podcast #560: A Crispy Slice of Heaven
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- IGN UK Podcast #559: The Manic Marsupial and Jesse’s Voice Changer
- IGN UK Podcast #558: Hades and Ham Sandwiches
- IGN UK Podcast #557: PS5’s Banquet of Delights
- IGN UK Podcast #556: Judging Tony Hawk’s Tallywacker
- IGN UK Podcast #555: Super Mario Bros. Assemble!
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