inflation of Peru in 2022 it was 8.46%, the highest in 26 years, according to official data released on Sunday.
Last year’s rate was more than twice the top of the 3% annual target range set by the Banco Central at the beginning of 2022.
In 1996 the inflation reached 11.84%.
The result “showed an upward trend in recent months,” said the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI).
In 2021 inflation in Peru was 6.43%, higher than 1.97% in 2020.
According to the INEI technical report, annual inflation is mainly supported by the 15.21% rise observed in food and beverages, transportation and communications 11.30%, and restaurants and hotels 9.49%.
In addition, due to the higher prices registered in accommodation, water, electricity, gas and other fuels 4.23% and various goods and services 6.66%.
In December 2022, inflation increased by 0.79%, a figure higher than that observed in the month of November (0.52%).
This December result is explained by the increase in prices of large consumer groups such as food 1.73% and transportation 0.84%.
Monthly inflation of 1.48% in April was the highest in the year.
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