Unlike other writers of his stature, there is no centre devoted to J.R.R. Tolkien anywhere in the world. Yet. @ProjNorthmoor https://t.co/pzMg8Yk2t2 pic.twitter.com/jx2r5MVbcw
— Ian McKellen (@IanMcKellen) December 2, 2020
The campaign was launched on December 2 by novelist Julia Golding. She negotiated a deal with the owner of the house to give her three months to raise the funds needed to buy it, according to Entertainment Weekly.
Approximately 6% of the $6 million goal has been raised, according to the donation page on the project’s website. Only $5.3 million is needed to purchase the house itself, but extra money will go towards restoring Tolkien’s garden, building a Hobbit hole, and creating “Smaug’s lair for pipe smokers.”
Tolkien lived in the house from 1930 to 1947. A FAQ on the fundraiser’s website said that The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings were written in that house and Tolkien’s children grew up there.
90 years later and Middle-earth is one of the biggest entertainment properties around. Amazon reportedly dropped $250 million just for the rights to make a TV series set in Middle-earth and is expected to spend upwards of $1 billion to make multiple seasons. The series is expected to be back to filming after a COVID-19 shutdown.
It’s also been reported that multiple Lord of the Rings characters from the movies will be a part of the highly-anticipated show.Aside from a Lord of the Rings TV show, there’s a Gollum video game coming soon. Titled The Lord of the Rings: Gollum, it’s described as a stealth game mixed with Prince of Persia.
Petey Oneto is a freelance writer for IGN who is more excited for Gollum: Prince of Persia than anything else right now.