“The revolution of consciences” has made its “moral authority” the multipurpose weapon of mass destruction, since it serves to violate the law to disqualify anyone who, real or imaginary, they consider an adversary.
More worrying is that it is the excuse used to close spaces for dialogue, because from the arrogance of the pedestal of its “moral authority” the ruling party believes, as in the old bolero, that those who think differently are not living up to their lives.
If it is about sermons, remember the Pharisee who prayed: “God, I thank you because I am not like other men, thieves, unjust, adulterers.” Such arrogance, says the evangelist Luke, deserved from Jesus this sentence: “he who exalts himself will be humbled.”
Migration: Mexico needs a pragmatic approach
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador is not wrong to be repetitive on the immigration issue in his dialogues with the White House, the mistake is to raise it with ideological rhetoric that clashes with the practical realism of the Americans.
Representatives of powerful US economic interests, such as agriculture, overwhelmed by labor shortages, are lobbying Congress to urge a bipartisan agreement for orderly and regulated migration.
It would be pragmatic to use the network of consulates to lobby US local interests on the immigration issue, since they would put pressure on their Congress. Ah, but not even when they knead them again do they forget the ideological rhetoric.
It is violence that crime replaces the State
It is possible that the affirmation of the Government of the Republic that violence has been reduced is irrefutable, but first we would have to define what the ruling party and ordinary citizens understand by violence.
Because it is also irrefutable that every day there are more populations and regions subjected to extortion, the collection of land, payment of protection and even control of organized crime gangs set up as a parallel government.
Parallel governments that, due to the brutality of their methods, exercise more effective control over countless growing numbers of populations that have been rendered defenseless, thanks to the “humanist” policy of “hugs, not bullets.”
The Head of Government Claudia Sheinbaum will have to decide if she agrees to leave due to illegality and only rhetorically ask that the Morenista deputies pay for the spectacular propaganda, because, contrary to what the Palace courtiers said, perhaps it is time to cultivate her own image. It is difficult for the US Secret Service to accept that the Air Force One that will bring President Biden next January lands and stays at the AIFA… It would be worth reminding the Texan governor Gregg Abbott, stubborn in guarding his border with Mexico with soldiers from the state National Guard that a few years ago, due to the death of an American citizen at the hands of a soldier, public opinion in Texas forced the withdrawal of the National Guard… Be careful, the head of Labor Luisa María Alcalde has a problem on her hands that, due to the bellicose nature of the union, it will not be able to sweep under the rug: the threat of a strike at the UAM… For reflection at the end of the year, the Italian Cesare Pavese left this: “we do not remember days we remember moments” …
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